Chapter 2

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"Hey Todoroki! Where were you?" Midoriya asked.

"Talking with a prisoner" I replied.

"Oh. We couldn't find you when we were making groups or throughout the time we were here so we were a little worried" He said.

"Yeah! We didn't see you at all!" Uraraka joins.

"Sorry." I said.

"Where exactly were you though?" Midoriya asked.

I shrugged.

"Time to go. Is everyone here?" Aizawa said, walking out of one of the offices.

"Mhm" everyone says.

(Y/n) pov

That boy.... what's his deal? Why did he stay? Is he goi-

"So you talked to him hmm?" I looked over to the cell next to me even thought there was a wall blocking my view. That was one of my friends, Akagi Emi (Idk I just came up with the name-) She's the same age as me and she's my best friend. We pretty much grew up together in here.

"I guess I did..." I replied.

"Why? You never talk to any visitors- not that you get much anyway" She asked.

"There was something different about him"

"You know he's kinda hot"

"I know right- shit I mean uhh"

She laughed loudly.

"Shut it Emi I'm trying to sleep!" A prisoner named Kai yelled.

Emi just blushed and laughed harder. She had a huge crush on him. He came here about a year after me. He's in the cell in front of her so they could see each other in the day time. The only light we get is from a blurry window with bars behind it unless they turn the actual lights on. I've never even seen Emi's face before. The only person I can kinda see is Kai if I move to the right side of my cell. Her personality already tells me she's a beautiful person. I wish I could see her one day.

Todoroki's pov

"Okay so did you guys learn anything new or anything you didn't know about villains from this prison?" Aizawa asked.

Momo raised her hand. "Those villains did things worse then just bad. That place is horrible and I think they deserve the bad treatment for all of the things they've done."

"Anyone else?" Aizawa asked again.

"That place is fucking boring. It's the same damn colors over and over again and there isn't shit to do." Bakugo blurted out.

"Is that all?"

"....." nobody said anything.

I was debating if I should say something or not. I don't think they were all terrible people. (L/n) was nice and everyone on her floor didn't seem that bad even though I didn't really talk to any of them. Then again I don't actually know them so, I wouldn't really know.

"I know each and everyone of you want to become a hero but don't give up on your dream. If you think it's too hard, still keep pushing. If you become a villain then there are chances you could end up in a place like that and that's the last place you want to be for hundreds of reasons. Also remember that just because some villains have done bad things doesn't mean all of them are bad people. Anyways, you all can go now." Aizawa said while getting into his yellow sleeping bag.

We all gathered our stuff and walked out the door. I guess it was for the best I didn't say anything even though I didn't agree with Momo's opinion in a way.

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