Chapter 6

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'Holy shit! The water can be hot here' I thought while stepping in the shower. The sleep I had on that bed was the best sleep I've ever had and now the shower has hot water? This is fucking great. The water felt good on my skin and relaxed my muscles.

I actually felt clean for once when I stepped out of the shower. They don't really give you a lot of soap so I had to limit my uses with it but, Shota gave me a bottle like 10x the size they give us and he gave me shampoo and conditioner. (They give them bottles or bars of soap like the ones at hotels)

I slipped on the uniform and looked in the full body mirror against the wall of my room. I look so... different...

We left the house and drove to the school.

"Wait outside the door until I look at you okay?"

"Mhm" Shota walked into the classroom and set his stuff down in the corner.

"We have a new student today so be nice" His eyes moved over to me and I pushed open the already cracked door.

"Introduce yourself"

"I'm (L/n) (F/n) and um..... yeah..." I didn't really know what to say. I've never been to an actual school before. Dad used to teach me stuff before he died even though I wasn't even old enough for kindergarten. Kai and Emi also taught me stuff that they learned. I looked up to Shota to see what to do next.

"Go sit next to Todoroki" (pretend Momo sits somewhere else cuz idc 👀)

My head turned to the direction he pointed and my eyes widened.

"Shosho?" I whispered, walking over to my desk.

"(N/n)? They let you out?" He looked surprised. I've never seen that look in his face. Every once and a while he smiles a little or laughs but, usually his face doesn't show any emotion.

"I was surprised too but Shota gave me an offer to become a hero and I got out." I whispered back.

"Do you two know each other?" Aizawa said.

"Uh yeah..." I said turning away from Shoto. A confused look replaced his usual tired and bored look but, he just nodded and shrugged it off, not really caring.


"You go to school here? You want to become a hero?" I told Shoto as we walked to lunch.

"Yeah. I guess I never mentioned it but, it's cool that you get to come here now too. Makes it less boring sitting through Aizawa's long lectures."

My eyes shined, looking around the large, food filled lunchroom. I speed walked over to the lunch line and impatiently waited for it to be my turn, not being able to stay still. There were so many things to choose from.

I heard a small laugh from behind me.

"Why are you laughing at me ShoSho?" I mumbled, still facing the food.

"No reason" He laughed. "Do you want me to get you something?"

"No, it's fine. Shota gave me some money for food earlier."

"So you're staying with Mr. Aizawa?"

"Yeah. He's pretty chill and he has a cute cat named Marshmallow"

"Marshmallow?" He snorted

"Yeah" I laughed.

I got some ramen which I've never tried before and Shoto got some soba noodles.

"I want to introduce you to some of my friends" Shoto said before leading me over to a table with some of the people from our class. I awkwardly sat down next to him and and tugged on the sleeves of my uniform jacket.

Everyone introduced themselves and I reintroduced myself. The plain looking, broccoli haired boy is Midoriya Izuku, the cute, brown haired girl is Uraraka Ochaco and the tall, strict looking dude is Tenya Iida. They all seem nice.

"Ah so class 1-A new student." I boy with bright, blue eyes and blonde hair smirked.

"Yeah and you got a problem with it?" I replied, pissed that he interrupted me about to take a bite of my ramen for the first time.

"They must be desperate. Is 1-A so weak that they needed a villain to protect them?" He leaned on my shoulder as if we were friends.

I stood up making him fall on the ground. I crouched down to his level and rested my elbows on my thighs.

"Are you saying your better? Would you like to test your theory hm?" I smirked.

Anyone who saw him could clearly see the fear in his eyes. His mouth was slightly open and he stared at me.

"No?" I moved my face closer to his and he backed up. Sighing, I got up and sat back at the table. 

My eyes lit up as I tried the ramen. 

"Holy shit this is good" I whispered to myself. Everyone around me sweat dropped and started at me except Todoroki. I guess he's used to me and my random mood swings now.

"So... you're a-a villain?" Midoriya asked.

"Mmm" I hummed, slurping up the last of my noodles. "Was a villain" I corrected him.

"Oh s-sorry" He stuttered.

"No it's all good. No need to apologize." I mumbled and stared at the empty bowl. My eyes widened and I quickly excused myself from the table, speed walking to the bathroom.

I ran over to the toilet and puked out my insides. I sat up and flushed the toilet.

Clearing my mouth of the taste as much as I could, I dried my face and walked out of the bathroom.

"You okay?" I flinched hearing a voice behind me.

"Oh it's just you. Yeah I don't know. I'm probably just sick" I turned around and saw Aizawa.

"How much did you eat at that place?" He asked.

"I don't know. Whenever they remember to feed us so like once a day. It was just stale bread and water though"

"You should get used to eating at least 2 full meals everyday. A stale piece of bread once a day isn't healthy" His face showed that he was concerned and worried. He cares? Why?

"Okay" If I can eat food as good as what I just had a couple minutes ago then I'd definitely try it.

"Class starts in a couple minutes. Hurry back" He left me in the middle of the hall and grabbed a yellow sleeping bag out of nowhere.

I laughed quietly and walked to class.

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