Chapter 1

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If you know me no you don't....

Class 1-A stepped out of the bus infront of a large building. It had a dark, gloomy atmosphere to it that sent shivers down their spines. Nobody knew where they were, well except Aizawa. He never bothered to explain to the class where they were going. 

"Let's go" Aizawa said, clearly bored.

They all step in the building to see nothing but men and women wearing guard uniforms. They went through metal detectors and different types of security before they stood in a space filled with plain white walls and a dark blue carpeted floor. There were offices along the halls and a small kitchen along with seating in front of them.

"Incase you haven't noticed yet, this is a prison. It's not just a regular prison where people go if they've stolen stuff or something though. This is were some of the most dangerous villains are held. You guys can explore the place and go wherever you want just don't go on the 9th floor for reason I can't say at the moment. You have 2 hours. I have some business to take care of." And with that Aizawa walked off into one of the offices leaving them by themselves.


"This place gives me the creeps." Kirishima spoke up, breaking the silence.

"It's the first day of school and we already have a fucking field trip! For fucking what?" Bakugo mumbled.

"Should we get into groups?" Iida suggested.

Everyone got into groups, except Todoroki. He was already exploring the building. They were taking way too long anyways and 15 minutes had already gone by.

Todoroki's pov

I walked into the elevator and pressed the button to the 4th floor. Once the doors opened I stepped out. It was surprisingly not as quiet as I thought it would be. There were conversations here and there. Some mumbling every once and awhile. There were about 16 cells in all with a thick layer of glass in front of each. There were white walls and gray floors. They wore dark blue outfits and the only thing in the cell was a bed, a toilet, and a small box. There were some drawings with chalk too here and there but nothing else.

Being curious, I looked into one of the cells.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Shut the fuck up! I'm trying to sleep!" Someone hissed.

"Sorry" I left. Goddamn Bakugo 2.0, you didn't have to be so rude.

I walked back to the elevator and pressed a random button. I got to the floor and looked around. This one was..... different. There were only 4 cells and everything was white. The only thing that wasn't were the outfits.

I looked into the last cell and felt the mood drop. I kept getting all types of bad vibes, yet I still stood there. I saw a girl with her wrists and ankles connected to chains on the floor. I noticed their outfits were different from the other floors. Theirs are black but hers is torn in places.

Her head was facing down and her body was still. I sat down in front of the glass and waited for her to move. Her head tilted up and her dull (e/c) eyes looked into mine. Even though she sent shivers throughout my body, I still stayed. She had (h/l) (h/c) and a barely noticeable scar on her cheek by her eye. I sat there for about 5 minutes before she said,

"Fuck. Why is this dumbass not leaving like everyone else?" she mumbled. It was so quiet that you could hear a pen drop. The talking in the other cells stopped and it seemed like they were all looking at me.

"Um...... hello" I said. It's weird how I'm actually trying to start a conversation with someone I don't know. I've never really done this before on purpose.

Your pov

Who is this boy? Why is he here and why is he just fucking sitting there? Usually people eventually go away if I don't say anything.

"Um...... hello" He said. Why is he talking to me? I looked back down, hoping he'd go away. A couple minutes later I looked back up and flinched. He was still sitting there. I just stared at him, him doing the same.

"Your not a guard so, who are you?" I asked, glaring at him.

"Todoroki Shoto" That name sounds familiar. Todoroki..... who's last name is that? I know that name from somewhere.

"What do you want from me?"

"Nothing" He replied.

"Why are you here?"

"I don't know" What the hell? This Todoroki boy is weird.

"Are you gonna say something or are you just gonna sit there?" I asked getting annoyed by his dry answers.

"Why are you here?"

"Because I'm a villain"

"Yeah no shit" he mumbled. "What did you do? Why are you one of the most dangerous ones?"



I sighed. He really won't go away.

"I'm not just gonna tell you my whole life story okay? You wanna know it then you can earn it."

"How would I do that?" Todoroki asked.

"I don't know. Think about it" I said. He's not gonna come up with anything anyways so maybe he'll finally give up and leave.

"Hm." He stood up. I scanned his body, taking in his features as he looked down at me. "By the way what's your name?"

"(L/n) (F/n)"

"See you soon (L/n)" He said as he walked away.

"See you soon?" I mumbled.

Sorry the first chapter is really shitty. I didn't really know how to start this off, but it's gonna get better......... I hope😭 thanks for clicking on this ff and yeahhhh....


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