Chapter 4

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(Y/n) pov

I woke up to loud banging on the glass in front of me.

"Get your lazy ass up! You know the drill!" A guard yelled.

I could barley move but I still slowly got up and grabbed the clothes on my bed. I walked over to my box and grabbed my toothbrush and soap. They blindfolded me, unchained me and brought me to the shower room. I knew I was naked but everyone was still asleep so I didn't care.

I closed the curtain of the small shower and collapsed onto my knees. Cold water ran down my body making me shiver. We never have warm water so I'm used to it.

Once I was done, I looked in the mirror before getting dressed. The bruises turned into an ugly deep purple color. You could see the marks of hand prints around my waist. Heavy bags were underneath my eyes too but that was normal.

The guard put the blindfold back on and took me back to my cell before taking the rest of the prisoners to shower one by one.

"(Y/n)..." I was laying in a ball on my bed not wanting to talk to anyone.

"I saw what happened and I know you're not okay so don't even try to say you're fine. I know how you are, always trying to be strong to show you're not hurting inside but you don't have to do that around us. We can tell the difference. Please, if you want to talk about it you have me or Emi. We're here for you and we love you okay? Please always remember that..." Kai whispered.

Even though he whispered it, I could hear every word and I knew he could hear every one of my quiet cries. My throat hurts. I had no water to drink and it's still sore from yesterday. My head was pounding and my body was too weak to move.

I heard footsteps again and moved to the far corner of my bed, scared the guards were gonna come back.

"(L/n)?" I looked up to see Todoroki's worried face. I didn't want to talk about what happened. I wanted to forget it and pray that it never happens again. I can't handle that again.

"Are you okay?" He asked me and silent tears rolled down my face. I'm surprised I can still cry.

"I-I'm fine," my voice cracked. I know I didn't sound, feel or even look fine but I still said I'm fine. I knew he could tell I wasn't.

There was movement outside of my cell and heard him say, "I don't know what happened and I'm not gonna pry if you don't wanna tell me but just know I'm here if you wanna talk about it or even distract yourself. I don't want you to be in pain okay? So I'll try my best to help from where I am."

I tried to calm myself by taking deep breaths but nothing seemed to work. I wanted to hug him and be next to him. Why did they have to put me in this terrible place? I couldn't control myself then. It wasn't my fault.

I groaned in pain and got out of my bed, walking into the light. Todoroki face changed from worried to shocked as he saw the large bruise on my face and all of they hickeys on my neck. He saw my bruised knuckles. He saw the way I limped over to him and fell, like I had no strength. My shirt slid up and he saw the dark purple hand prints around my waist and the bruise on my stomach and side from where they kicked me.

"Who... who the hell would do this to you?" He breathed out in shock. "Why would anyone do this to you?"

"Todoroki I-I-" I tried to talk but my throat wouldn't cooperate. If I had taken all of my clothes of, he would of seen the hickeys along the inside of my thighs and chest and the scabs on my back. He would of seen scratches on my chest from how hard the groped me and he would of seen the hand prints on my ass from how hard they hit me for trying to run and hide.

I looked down in shamed. How am I supposed face him now after what they did to me? I looked so disgusting. I look like I'm an object that's been use one too many times.

He poked one of his fingers through one of the holes air comes through in the glass. If you stood up they were around knee level. I was confused at first to why he was doing that but then I realized why. He knew I felt alone and was hurting.

I held my hand out and wrapped my finger around his. Even though it was only a little bit of physical connection, it warmed up my whole body.

A small smile appeared on my face and my forehead leaned against the glass. The only thing in our way was the thick glass and we'd be touching.

"You know, this is the first time I've seen you smile, ever." Todoroki commented. We lifted our heads up and looked at each other. He had a small smile on his face too.

"I could say the same to you," I laughed slightly.

"Can I show you something?" He asked. I nodded and he took away his hand.

"Choose a hand" I pointed to his right hand.

He closed his right hand and when he opened it again, a small heart made out of ice floated in his hand.

Shoto's pov

Her dull eyes turn into a bright (e/c). There were sparkles in her eyes. She really looked cute like that.

I closed my hand and the ice had melted into water.

"What about your left hand?" She asked. I really didn't want to use his quirk. His quirk is a curse. I signed softly and got rid of my thoughts. I opened my hand and a small fire appeared. I closed my hand and held up one finger. The flames lit on that finger and I slowly waved it around like I did a magic trick.

She looked like a cat chasing a red dot on the wall. I brought my finger to my lips and blew the flames out.

"Those are my quirks. Half hot, half cold."

(Y/n)'s pov

He had such cool and amazing quirks. I could control weapons like knives and such. I could also teleport or as I like to call it, glitch.

"I would show you my quirks but I can't" I held up my hands, the chains following. "Theses take them away."

He nodded, understanding what I said.

He left soon after that and I dragged myself back to my bed. Sighing, I looked out of the blurry window seeing that it was night.

"He was here so late because of me..." I mumbled. What if he misses dinner or doesn't get enough sleep for school tomorrow? What if he missed the last train home and has to walk?

I gripped my head to try and get rid of these thoughts but nothing happened. They just kept coming and soon my worried thoughts turned into depressing ones. I sat up in my bed and slammed my fist into the wall. I did the same with the other one.

"(Y/n)? W-what are you doing?" Emi asked.

"Huh? Oh did I wake you up? S-Sorry..."

"No you didn't. Are you okay...?" I could tell from her voice that she was lying. It was dry and raspy.

Great. Now you woke Emi up because you wanna be all extra loud and slam your fists into the wall. The fuck is wrong with you?

"Yeah I'm fine." I lied. My hands travelled down to my arms and started to scratch repeatedly until they started to bleed. I ripped off a corner of one of my old sheets and held it there until it stopped. It stung but I didn't care. I took 2 more pieces of old sheets and wrapped them around my arms like it was medical tape.

My head touched the now soft pillow I managed to make break over the years.

"I hate myself" I whispered before passing out.

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