Chapter one.

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Steve's sitting at the table outside his go to coffee shop around the corner of the Stark Tower. After Sam and Nat kicked him out of his room and told him to get some fresh air, he thought this would be the perfect place to just, sit down and take a breath. It's been three months since the whole Shield thing happened. And it's been three weeks since the hospital let Steve go home. 

The day Steve was allowed to leave the hospital, Tony came to pick him up and offered him to come live in the Tower. Tony told him it was because it would be better for him to have some company and for missions, of course. But deep in his heart Tony didn't trust Steve anymore, all alone in that quiet apartment. Tony, and the rest of the Avengers, were afraid that Steve would go insane, trying to find his pal, so Tony and the rest wanted him close, to keep an eye on him. Tony didn't tell Steve this, of course, but Steve knew that that was the reason.

And somewhere they're right, Steve thinks. Because after all the Avengers said hi, gave him hugs and said they missed him, he went to his new (totally amazing) room that Tony fully furnished for him, and broke down. Screaming, crying, being worried to death, his mind went crazy over Bucky. Where is he, is he safe, does he have food, money, a shelter. Why wasn't I there for him, why am I not with him right now. Steve hated it, he hated that he wasn't able to help Bucky right now, that he wasn't there with him 'till the end of the line'.

A tear rolls down Steve's face and he quickly wipes it away. He sees the waiter walking his way with his coffee in her hand, and Steve takes out his wallet, pays for the coffee and leaves. Instead of taking the quick way back to the tower, Steve decides to take the long way home through the park.

Steve loves the park, in the middle of it is a big lake and around it are paths, with people walking on them, walking their dogs or going for a run, couples kissing on the benches. Steve looks away. 

Steve looks in awe over to the dogs and the kids playing. Steve walks past all of them, but then he sees two kids playing with a ball, and Steve stops for a second. There's a boy with brown hair and one with blond hair. The blond one is pretty small for his age, and the brown pretty big. They were throwing the ball over, from the one to the other. The brown haired boy throws the ball a little to hard in the blond ones face, and he starts crying. The other boy runs over to him and hugs his friend. Steve smiles, those little boys remind him of himself and Bucky. Before he gets sad again (too late actually), he continues walking. 

 Actually, he starts running, he wants to get out here as soon as possible.

Entering the tower, he is greeted by Jarvis. Steve says hi back and enters the common room.

To give you a small view of how it looks like, there are eleven halls that lead to the common room. In the common room, there are couches, a huge tv, and a kitchen, dining table and more.

 Each Avenger has their own hall, and there are three quest rooms. Each hall has 5 rooms, one big one where the Avenger can spend their time when not in the common room (compare it to a little apartment, little kitchen, little tv, couch and big bedroom and bathroom) and what the Avenger does with the other four is their choice, for example, Natasha has a dancing room to practice her ballet. 

In the common room there are three big couches, one in front of the tv, one on the left of it and one of the right and a table in the middle of the couches, and in front of the tv, for the drinks and snacks. For the rest, the team has their own gym, lab, medical floor and a whole floor for briefings and meeting regarding missions filled with the newest high tech stuff.

Steve loves the tower. He loves how he can chose to watch tv in his room, alone, or if he wants to chill with the rest of the team. Today he really isn't feeling social. So he greets the people who are in the common room (Nat, Clint and Bruce just walked in) and he goes to his room.

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