Chapter ten.

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Three hours later Steve gets informed they're entering the atmosphere. Steve wakes up from his little nap and stretches. Asks the autopilot to make sure they won't fly straight into Hydra trap. The autopilot-bot steers the jet in such a way they are able to sneak into the atmosphere without Hydra noticing. Steve lands the jet himself and thanks the bot for flying when it was on autopilot. Before getting out of the jet he first calls Natasha.

''Miss Romanoff'', Steve smiles, she always picks up the phone with such a scary tine. If you'd accidentally call her phone you'd immediately hang up.

''Miss Romanoff, Mr Rogers here. He wants to inform you he has arrived safely and unnoticed.'' He can just hear her smile, ''Oh well, that's nice, wished we had that luck. They immediately caught us..'' Steve nods, ''Well maybe they noticed me too and are they just playing some sick game at the moment but I think we went by unnoticed..'' She agrees, ''How about the team, are they alright?'' he asks, Natasha laughs, ''Yeah, they're good.. Well as good as they can be. Sam is mad pissed. Tony is just tired, Clint is finally quiet, sadly he only is like that when his windpipe is nearly crushed. Wanda and Pietro on the other hand, are not doing that good..'' Steve's smile fades a little, ''Oh, okay.. Well I still have a few minutes until the sun comes up, so I'll give them a call. Stay strong Nat.'' Natasha smiles, ''See you in a minute Pal'' 

She hangs up and Steve dials Wanda's number. It's immediately picked up, ''Oh Steve, I'm so sor-'', ''Wanda stop, little sunflower, please.'' Steve can hear Wanda's cries and it breaks him.. ''Wanda, I saw the videos, and you did what you could. It's really not your fault honey, whatsoever.'' The crying stops a little, ''Listen Wanda, I really am so proud of you and your brother, and after I get Bucky back and I'm home, I'll give you a big, big hug. And so will Bucky.'' Wanda sniffs, ''You're after Bucky?'' she asks, ''Yeah sweetie, I'm going to get him. I promise you that.'' Steve looks outside, the sky is getting a little more orange, he really needs to get going. ''Wanda, honey. I really need to go now, stay strong Ok? Do it for me, no. Do it for Bucky.'' She sniffs, ''Ok, ok I will Steve. Please get him. They're killing him inside, I could feel it.'' Steve wipes away the tear that rolls down his cheek. ''Yeah love, I will. Tell your brother I said hello and thanks. Tell the team I love them, and tell Sam I'm sorry.'' and he hangs up. 

He starts walking towards the facility. He decided he'll enter through the entrance on the left side, because there are only two guards there, pretty stupid since that's one of their main entrances. But they probably don't care about left side that much since all the fights with the Avengers were at the right side. He sneaks his way closer and closer to the door. He throws some rock and one of the soldier goes to look what it is. While the soldier does that, his pal gets shot by the righteous Captain America. Steve then shoots the other soldier too. He scans the face of the soldier with Nat's thingy, steals the soldiers key-card and then enters the building.

Step 1. succeed. 

In the building it was way harder than Steve thought. Turns out Hydra did learn from the last time. The halls are filled with cameras and twice as much guards. Steve's not going to lie, he's getting more and more nervous. I mean there's a small, small chance he would win if they caught him. He remembers which way to go though. Some soldiers make comments about him being here, turns out Steve picked out a total wuss to be identified as. So he went to the bathroom and stole someone else's identity. A bigger boy. And to Steve's surprise, with a card that has access to the 'prisoners' That means he's literally holding his way to Bucky in his hands.

He followed the map in his head and finds his way to the cells. He is standing in front of a big door with  ''наши свойства'' written on it. Steve has no idea what it says.. He'll just ask Nat when they get home. He scans his card and the door opens. He walks into the room and looks around. There are seven small cells, that are like one by one. The person in there can hardly even sit. He walks past every single one of them, looking for Bucky. Only two of them are filled, one with a Hydra soldier, probably a traitor and one with a poor lady. Steve doesn't know or he should help her or not.. But eventually decides to just let her be, I mean Steve doesn't even know what she's done or why she's here.. 

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