4| Jesus' Clutch

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"Okay, let's go around in the circle and share our names and why we are here

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"Okay, let's go around in the circle and share our names and why we are here." Christopher beams, while we scowl.

A boy with dark hair and large glasses goes first.

"Hey, I'm Símon." He waves shyly. "I'm here because I have a brain tumour."

The young girl next to him with strawberry blonde hair goes next.

"I'm Minny and I'm here because I have depression." She doesn't smile at all.

"I'm Lils and I'm here coz I was in a gang and I like got into fights and all that." The next girl chews on her gum. She has purple hair and piercings cover her face.

I realise that it's Shauna's turn and I'm next.

"Yo, I'm Shauna. And I don't know why I'm here, to be honest." She stifles a chuckle.

"Try again, Shauna." Christopher says, pursing his lips.

"Kay, I'm here coz I shoplifted." Shauna shrugs.

Christopher nods approvingly.

I'm next.

"Hey-" I begin, before Christopher interrupts.

"Bradley, why don't you stand up since you're new." Christopher flashes a thumbs up.

I stand up. My legs feel like jelly.

"Hey-" I begin again.

"Louder, Brad." Christopher says. I must say, I prefer Dr Chris.

No, I'm not doing this. I power-walk my way out of the room and back into the basement. Everyone stares, while Shauna claps. I slam the door.

Breathe in. Breathe out. Should I just go home? Yes, I don't belong here. But, Mum will be so mad.

A boy enters the room. He has brown curls that bob when he runs down the stairs, grey eyes and long eyelashes.

"Hey." He says. "Wassup? You late too?" He has an English accent.

I can't reply.

"You mute?" He asks.

"No." I reply quietly.

He steps closer and he stretches out his hand.

"You have chocolate on your mouth." He wipes the chocolate off my mouth with his finger.

"Are you hitting on me?" I come out with it.

He chuckles.

"I may be bisexual, but you're not my type, kid."

I smile.

"Now, let's go back inside." He leads me back through the door.

"Bradley. Murphy. Nice of you to join us." Christopher says.

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