The apology

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Hello peeps! I hope you enjoy chapter 4!

Eddie was just sitting on his bed, thinking about how Richie left him for Emmie. Eddies Phone buzzes multiple times before Eddie picks it up. He sees that Richie has been spamming him.

Richie: Eddie?

Richie: Ed's?

Richie: Eddie Spaghetti?????

Richie: EDDIE?????

Eddie: What?

Richie: im sorry

Eddie: you already said that

Richie: yeah well im sorry

Eddie: it's fine, it's whatever

Richie: ok

Richie: well do you wanna come over

Eddie doesn't know what to say. Of course, he loves spending alone time with Richie. He gets to see his beautiful face and chat privately with him. But, right now he's hurt. He's hurt that Richie totally ditched him and his friends for Emmie. He decides he wants to go over, and maybe talk about it to Richie, and ask him why he left today.

Eddie: Yeah sure

Eddie walks downstairs to go to Richies house, but he stops at the front door when he hears his moms voice.
"Where are you going, Eddie bear?" Eddies mom asks him
Eddie wants to barf when his mom calls him Eddie bear. It's bad enough that she's super overprotective, but Eddie really hates it when his mom calls him Eddie bear. What kind of 15 year old would want to be called Eddie bear?
"Oh, I'm just going to Richies house." He says
"Richie Tozier?"
"Yeah, why?" Eddie asks
She sighs, "I just think he's a bad influence."
A bad influence? Eddie thinks. Sure, we call him trash mouth, and he can be kinda rude and annoying, but a bad influence?
"He's really not." Eddie says in a small voice back to his mother, surprising her and himself that he spoke back to her.
"What?" She says in a stern voice. Shit shit shit shit shit. Eddie thinks
"Uh, nothing. Sorry mommy." Eddie says, not wanting to make his mom mad.
"Go read or something sweetie, your not going to your friends house."
"Okay Mommy." Eddie says. Eddie hates calling his mom mommy. But she wants him to call her mommy instead of mom or mother. He would much rather just call her mom, but that would make her mad.
Eddie walks back up the stairs to his room, annoyed.

Eddie: Sorry I cant come over

Richie: why

Eddie: my mom

Richie: oh Eds that's too bad

Eddie: don't call me that

Eddie was feeling pretty down. First of all, he wouldn't be able to hear Richies explanation, and he just wouldn't get to spend time with the boy of his dreams.
Back at Richies house, Richie was suuuuuper bored. The only person he really wanted to see right now was Eddie, and obviously that wasn't happening. Richie felt so stupid for leaving Eddie earlier. And for accidentally calling him cute! He wondered if Eddie actually thought he was serious. AHHHHH WHAT IF HE KNOWS?! Richie thinks. He really hopes not. And what if Bill told him???? Richie decides that he really needs to see Eddie right now. So, Richie walks out of his house and gets on his bike, because Eddies mom would see his car, and he almost never uses his car anyways. He hops on his bike, and goes to Eddies house. Richie arrives at Eddies house, and peaks through one of there first floor windows. He sees Eddies mom walk into the bathroom. This is my chance. He thinks. He turns the doorknob, and the doors unlocked. He quietly walks inside, shuts the door, heads up the staircase, and knocks on Eddies bedroom door.
Eddie opens the door and sees Richie there. He looks at Richie, confused.
"Hey." Richie says walking into Eddies bedroom
"Hey?" Eddie says back, wondering how in the world Richies here.

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