Part 28

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Sorry I literally didn't know what to call this chapter.

When Richie leaves Eddies house, Eddie slowly goes upstairs and gets to his room. He sits in his bed and sobs. Richies with Emmie again. See, Rich never loved you. The thought of Rich never loving him just makes him cry more. Why did he say he loved me if that was all just a lie?

Richies POV
I walk, or "crutch" (whatever you wanna call it) away from Eddies house, feeling like shit. He looked so hurt, which makes sense, but I feel horrible knowing I made Ed's sad. I was going to try and explain what happened to him, but I didn't get the chance. So now he probably thinks that I don't love him, and that I was lying to him. But the truth is, I do love him, and I don't know what to do. And I realize, I need to talk to Bev.

Richie: can you come over?

Richie: like right now?

Bev: yeah sure

When I get home, Bevs already there.

"Hey Richie!"
"Hey." I say
"You okay?" Bev says when she sees my sad face.
"Yeah." I say, putting on my best fake smile.
"You sure?" She asks. "Oh! And how's your leg fee-"
"I'm fine, Bev."
"Okay." She says.
We walk inside my house and we go up to my room. I throw my crutches to the ground and sit on my bed.
"Wow, your rooms a mess." Bev laughs, looking at the disaster that is my room. My bed is unmade, there's a pile of dirty clothes on the floor, the top of my desk looks like a train wreck, with papers everywhere, and there's just stuff all over the floor.
"Yeah." I say, with a small laugh. "Hey Bev... I have a question."
"Hm?" Bev says, looking at me.
I take a deep breath, trying to think of the right words so I don't make her feel guilty.
"I was just wondering, did you tell Emmie about me and Ed's?"
Bev immediately looks down, and I immediately regret asking her.
"I... uh..." She looks at me straight in the eyes, with the most guilty expression I've ever seen in my life. For a second, we just stay like that, Our locked eyes, hers guilty, mine begging for the truth. "Yeah."

Eddies POV
After about an hour of crying, very confused, on my bed, my phone lets out a loud ding. I pick it up, and see I have a text from Richie.

Richie: Eds can we please talk?

Richie: Ed's?

I look at his text and think of how he left me, he left me for Emmie. Maybe he never even liked me, I don't know. And that fucking hurts.

Eddie: don't call me Eds

Richie: can we please talk?

I throw my phone down onto my bed. I stare at the ceiling. I really thought Richie loved me.

Bevs POV
Walking home from Richies house, I honestly feel like a fricking shitty friend. I mean, first I get my friends in a fucking car crash and almost kill two of them, and then I break Eddie and Richie up?! Good job Bev. I know I'm the one that caused this mess. Richie now has to be with Emmie, because he's not ready to come out. This is all my fucking fault. If I had just kept my mouth shut none of this would be happening. I shouldn't have told Emmie, I know. It just, I don't know, it just slipped out. Emmie and I were friends and we were talking and then... I don't know... I just screwed up. Big time.

Guys I reached 1k reads!!!! Tysm that's honestly so crazy and I can't thank you guys enough! I would've never thought that people would actually read my writing💕 Well I just wanted to say tysm, and thanks for reading!

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