Reddie to tell each other

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(Lol sorry another awful title)

Richies POV
I just got a text from Emmie, and she wants to hang out tomorrow. I told her I was busy, but she won't fucking leave me alone. She asks me if I'm leaving her for my friends, and I tell her no, but I'm going on a trip with them. But I should not have told her that. That makes her mad, like, really mad. She says all I do is hang out with them and just ignore her. And without thinking, I text back. I text back, "Maybe it's because I want to fucking break up with you".
She doesn't text back for another two minutes, she asks me if I'm seriously breaking up with her. I say yes, and she doesn't text back. I feel so relieved now that she's out of the picture.
Oh, I need to pack for my trip tomorrow. I grab a duffel back, throw in 7 random shirts from my closet, 7 pairs of jeans, a raincoat, a pair of converse, my phone charger, some other random things, and my sleeping bag. I throw my bag on the floor and collapse onto my bed.

Bills POV
Earlier today, I got a text from Stan that Eddie likes Richie back. I was so excited! But I can't tell Richie or Eddie that they both like each other, because they told me not to. But being the amazing friend I am, of course I'm going to tell them.

The next morning (Eddies POV)

Omg the trips today! AHHHH I forgot to pack yesterday. I grab a backpack from under my bed and throw in like 8 shirts, a couple pairs of shorts and pants, my pajamas, a fanny pack with my inhaler (even though I really don't need my fanny pack), my sleeping bag, an extra pair of sneakers, rain boots, and my raincoat. Ben and Bev are picking me up around 6. Now I've just gotta wait. I'm going to be with Richie for a whole week, I think happily. My phone buzzes suddenly, I pick it up to see I have a text from Richie.

Richie: I just broke up with Emmie

Eddie: why?

Richie: because she was being annoying and telling me not to hang out with you and the losers, and honestly I can't do that

Richie: because I love you Ed's

I just stare at the text. Stan wasn't kidding. And omg RICHIE LIKES ME!!!!! I'm so happy, I barely even notice when he sends me another text.

Richie: Sorry, you probably think I'm weird now

I look at that text, and I build up the courage to say it.

Eddie: I love you too Richie

Richie: really?

Eddie: Yeah

I look at our texts, my heart wanting to explode from my happiness. The boy of my dreams likes me back. I feel like this kind of thing only happens in fantasy movies. But this isn't fantasy. This is real life. This is reality. I feel like I could be dreaming I'm so happy. I think for right now, I'm the happiest person in the world.

A couple hours later

The last couple of hours have been unbearable. I think I need to see Richie right now or my head might explode. But even when I see him in the car, I still won't be able to talk to him about it! I don't know what to do, and I need to talk to someone. Oh, you can just call him you dummy. I call him, and he doesn't pick up. Ugh, who else should I talk to? Just then, my mom comes upstairs.
"Hey Eddie bear, so since your leaving today, I think we need to go over some stuff."
"Okay mommy." I say
"So if your having any trouble, call me. If the other kids are trying to do something, call me and I'll get you. Call me every night. And do help me, if I don't get a call every night, I will send the police there to make sure your still alive. Oh, and take your meds."
"Okay mommy."
"Okay, that's all I wanted to say, I love you Eddie bear," My mom says as she walks out of my room
I look at the clock. It's 5:00. 1 more hour.

About 45 minutes later (Richies POV)

It's been almost an hour, and I still can't get my conversation with Eddie out of my head. I honestly can't believe it. The smart, adorable, and perfect Eddie Kaspbrak likes me. Fat, ugly, and far from perfect me. I look at the clock, and realize that Ben and Bev are picking me up in about 15 minutes. I go downstairs to wait, praying that neither of my parents are home to ask me where I'm going.
I timidly look around, and I don't see anyone, so I just awkwardly stand there, in my own home, when my mom walks in.
"Oh, hey Richie." She says
"Hey mom." I say back awkwardly
"Where are you going, my mom asks, seeing the bag in my hand
"Just on a trip with some friends."
"Okay Richie."
"Yeah." I say, walking out the front door.
I look at my no longer hurt ankle, and suddenly, I'm mad at my mom. Where was she when I got hurt? She's never home! She doesn't even care that I'm leaving! Oh whatever, fuck her! I think, trying to get my mom off of my mind. Even though it's not whatever; even though it hurts that she doesn't care.
A couple minutes later, Bevs car appears at my house. As I get in the car, Bev says, "You're the first one we picked up, so you're lucky. Choose whatever seat you want. I decide to sit in one of the third row car seats, and I buckle myself in. Bev drives to Eddies house next. I watch the most adorable human on Earth walk out of the door.
"What are you staring at?" Ben asks me from the passenger seat.
"Uhh nothing." I say, my cheeks turning bright red.
Beverly unlocks the car, and Eddie puts his bag in the back. He opens the car door.
"Eds sit next to me." I say
"Okay." He says and sits down in the middle seat right next to me.
I look at him, and smile, he smiles back. God he's so beautiful.
Eventually, all the losers are in the car, and we're making our way to the cabin we're gonna be living in for a week.

2 hours later

It finally starts to get dark, and eventually it's dark enough that one will see if I wrap my arm around Eddie, so I do, and he rests his head on my shoulder. Soon Eddie dozes off, and everyone's asleep except me and Bev. But eventually, I drift off to sleep too.

Lol finally a longer chapter. Also, tysm for all the votes and reads💕 Can someone tell me in the comments if my story is actually okay? But thanks for reading this far! Oh and I'll either have at least one chapter later today or tomorrow. Sorry that was long😂

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