I'm Falling.

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Pidge was right. She had caught on pretty quickly. In five days she had learned the basics of a diplomatic meeting that should get her through her first one.

What meeting? you may ask. Oh the one that Coran mentioned about three days before it was supposed to happen.

As soon as Coran had told her Pidge laughed. "You're joking right?"

Coran have her a confused look shaking his head slightly, "I don't joke."

Pidge looked at him lowering the tablet in her hands. "You're serious?"

Coran nodded. He pulled up a calender and pointed to the date three days from now.

Pidge put her head on the table, "Great," she groaned out.

XxX Three days Later XxX

It was several hours before the ceremony and the four paladins minus Pidge were all shining their armour. Coran was standing in the center of the group with a small tablet in hand.

"Now you guys will be able to enter the building with Pidge as her "guards" per say, but you won't be able to enter the room where the meeting is being held. "

Keith and Shiro shared a look before glancing at Coran.

"It's a diplomatic meeting it's supposed to be peaceful right? So we shouldn't have anything to worry about," Hunk said pausing from wiping down his helmet .

Keith coughed and moved onto his helmet not responding. Lance tilted his head side to side. Shiro opened his mouth to respond but was cut off by Coran.

"Not always no. I remember when King Alfor was attending a meeting," he stroked his mustache, "they had just settled down for the meal portion when several masked aliens burst into the room. They demanded that the meeting not continue and that everyone leave immediately."

"Did they survive?" Hunk asked.

"Not everyone. The Aliens fired a few warning shots and didn't see where they were headed hitting a few important leaders," Coran responded sadly.

" Oh... " Hunk glanced at his helmet, "I think someone should talk to Pidge make sure she knows to be watching. Not that she would need the reminder she knows how to look out for herself I'm just saying-"

"We get what your saying Hunk," Shiro said placing a hand on his shoulder, " I can talk to her. "

Lance snickered hiding his mouth behind his hand choking on air when he caught everyone looking at him. Shiro gave him a pointed look.

"What's so funny?" Keith asked him.

" Nothing. It's just the fact that Pidge hasn't talked to Shiro in days so what makes him think that she would talk to him now? "

"I've given her time to cool off. Now maybe she'll listen to me," Shiro responded his voice had a slight edge to it. Taking a deep breath he turned to go, "I'm gong to go talk to her now."

"Maybe I should go with you I mean she did open up to me after all," Lance said standing up and crossing his arms in one smooth motion.

Shiro froze at the door. He thought about turning around he really did but being the person that he was he continued through the door allowing to slide close behind him before making his way to Pidge's room.


Pidge nearly jumped when a knock sounded at her door. Picking up her tablet from the floor she set it on her bed before opening the door.

"Goodbye," she said closing the door almost immediately when she saw who it was.

However Shiro wasn't having it. He stuck his hand in the doorway preventing her from closing it. He watched for a moment in amusement as she attempted to remove his hand from the doorway.

"You seriously can't still be mad at me. Do you know how long it's been?"

"Yes Shiro-" she groaned as she tried to pry his fingers off from around the door- "I do know how long it's been." She gave up from trying to remove his hand and stood in the center of her doorway arms crossed, " so what if I'm still angry"

"It's not healthy for you mentally. Can't you at least talk to me?" Shiro asked.

Pidge looked away she suddenly found the wall across her room suddenly very interesting.


Pidge turned her eyes back to Shiro. She sighed then nodded. "Alright,"

Shiro was nearly overwhelmed with relief. "I know you probably heard this a million times from me but I'm so sorry I didn't mean what I said to come across like how it did. I just didn't want you to pass up an opportunity to make even more of a difference."

Pidge nodded trying to suppress a smile. She didn't know when Shiro all of a sudden became cute when he was being sincere. When his grey eyes met her cider eyes she felt her whole body go numb.

Wait. What was she doing wasn't she supposed to be mad at him. What was she mad at him for?

Shiro waved at her and she automatically waved back. Only when he walked away did she wake up from her trance. She look down at her hand then back up at Shiro's receding figure. Her face went red and she disappeared back into her room slamming the door behind her.

She pressed her back up against the door her hand over her mouth. "Oh my gosh. I think I'm falling for Shiro. "

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