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"The green paladin's room is right here," Liam whispered. His hand was hovering above the button ready to push it.

"Change of plans," Clove responded stopping in front of the black paladin's room. "This one is way more valuable."

"They said to grab anyone. They're worth nothing to the Galra."

Clover turned to her son shaking her head, "You don't understand. The Galra would love to have their hands on the champion. Haggar especially."

"So we bring him in?"

"Yes. Haggar will grant us more freedom if we do."

Liam's hand hovered over the button next to Pidge's room a second longer than with what was necessary. He pulled it away approaching his mother.

His mother placed a hand on her son's back, "Let's make this quick."


The finished bowl of cookie dough was the first thing Pidge saw when she woke up. She had of course beaten Shiro to the kitchen, and had already started looking for something to make. Shiro had appeared a few minutes later a smile lighting up his features. Soon after they had settled on making cookie dough. Pidge had ended up covered in more flour than the recipe itself called for.

After getting herself cleaned up Shiro and her had sat on her bed, eating the cookie dough and talking. No sex, no making out. Just talking. The later it got the deeper the conversation got, which in turn led them to being more honest with each other.

Pidge smiled. Last night was one of the best moments of her time in space so far. Sliding from the bed she picked up the bowl and carried it with her to the kitchen.

Hunk and Lance were chatting at the counter when she walked in. Upon noticing her they quickly quieted, smirks growing.

"What?" She asked placing the bowl on the counter with dull thud.

"Sooo, How was last night?" Lance asked wiggling his eyebrows at her.

Pidge groaned rolling her eyes, "Don't you have something better to do?"

"Other than talk about your love life? No." 

"Aw come on Lance she dosen't have to tell us if she dosen't want to." Hunk said turning back to whatever he was working on.

"You're right, but I'm only human and I'm curious about the juicy details." Lance replied lightheartedly.

Pidge, who had been taking a drink at the time, found herself spitting the sweet liquid out. Her body racked with coughs as she fought to regain control. She dropped the cup on the counter the remaining liquid spilling out.

"You're kidding right?" She asked hoarsely. She looked at Lance, her eyes watering from her coughing. 

"What? Was that not what happened?" Lance asked.

"NO!" Pidge practically screamed the words. "Sex is not a requirement for a healthy relationship."

Hunk stepped between them, "Okay. It's a misunderstanding, let's just forget about it."

The two nodded in agreement. The room fell into a silence, that was uncomfortable for all three. Pidge began to clean up her drink while Lance messed around with a sheet of paper. Hunk glanced between the two before turning back to his task.

"Have any of you seen Shiro?" Pidge asked finally.

The yellow and blue paladins shook their heads. Pidge then slid from her seat and exited the room. She made her way from the kitchen until she found herself in the corridor with the Paladin's rooms. 

Approaching Shiro's door she rapped her knuckles against it. She drew no response. She knocked once more. One again she drew no response.

"Shiro I'm coming in." She called out. Opening the door she found his room a complete wreck. The sheets and pillows were in a pile on the floor. His paladin armor were thrown across the room into a corner. There was a single chair that had been splintered into several smaller pieces.

A sickening feeling settled in her stomach. She glanced around one last time before bolting from the room and down the hall. Rounding a corner she found herself crashing into Keith. With quick reflexes Keith grabbed her upper arms steadying them both. 

"You okay?" He asked letting her go.

"Have you seen Shiro?" She asked completely ignoring his question.

He shook his head, "Is there something wrong?"

"His room is completely destroyed. It feels like something is off."

"Are you sure its not just one of his episodes?"

"No this feels different," Pidge paused a sudden idea coming to her, "Have you seen Clover and Liam?"

"Yeah, I just saw them in the lounge," Keith replied.

"Define 'just'."

"A couple hours ago. I saw them on my way to training." Keith had just finished his sentence when Pidge took off dragging him behind her.

They both burst into the kitchen startling both Lance and Hunk. Lance slipped off his stool but managed to regain his balance. Hunk, on the other hand, dropped the dish he had been carrying. It shattered into a million pieces.

Lance saw the look on Pidge's face and immediately could tell something was off. "What's going on?"

"Shiro's been taking by Clover and Liam." Pidge blurted out.

"We don't know that," Keith replied.

"Well then where are they?" Pidge fired back.

"We're right here." Clover spoke up from the entrance to the kitchen. Liam was standing behind her with a neutral look on his face. "Is something wrong?" 

Pidge glared at them, she took a step forward. Keith placed his arm in front of her, "Have you seen Shiro?" 

Clover looked back to her son, who shook his head. "No we haven't." She replied calmly shaking her head.

"Well he's not on the castle." Pidge growled.

Keith glanced back at her warning her to stay quiet. "I'm sure we'll find him." Keith replied giving the two a smile. Keith then took Pidge's hand and led her out of the room.

"Where are we going?" she asked.

"If you're insistent about Clover and Liam having taken Shiro were going to go look at the security footage."

"I know it's them there's nothing to prove." Pidge protested.

Keith stopped and turned back, ''What proof do you have?"

Pidge looked down, "It's just a feeling. Something felt off about them when they first came."

"Well you can't do much with that," Keith retorted. He was already on edge with the possibility of his brother missing. If that was true then he would have no problem with placing Clover and Liam in a cell. Until then he would have to look for proof that it was even true.

She Chose You~[Shidge]Where stories live. Discover now