Chapter Eight ☾

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The warm sunlight streamed through the windows of the dorm room in the early afternoon of a pleasant October day. The post euphoria of winning the Quidditch game still ran high for the Gryffindors and their friends even though a week and a half had passed. Kirishima was lying upside down on his bed, immersed in the fantastic universe of his book. The book he was reading was written by a muggle and immensely popular in the muggle world. It was part of a bigger series whereof Kirishima had already read the first two volumes. When he heard from his parents the third one was coming out, he begged them to sent it by owl. It took some time as his parents had never sent mail by owl before but it had arrived over a week ago and Kirishima had almost finished reading it. Unfortunately, the wizard world knew nothing of muggle fantasy books and movies so he had no one to talk with in Hogwarts. Except, and fortunately, for Mina who did know the series as she was a muggleborn. There were a few other muggleborns who were up to tough with muggle world and recognised the book when the two friends carried self made fan badges around.
Kirishima had sent Arthur with a message asking for the Gryffindor's password so he could lend Mina the third book. He was at the very last page when a tapping sound distracted him. Arthur had arrived and was ticking his beak against the glass, asking to be let inside. Kirishima sighed and set his book aside, making his way to the window to open it. He looked around the room and wondered where Kaminari went off to. His friend said he had something important to do but that had been more than an hour ago. His owl (the schoolowl refused the send letters from other students ever since Kirishima had named him) impatiently hopped inside the room and onto his bed, hooting loudly demanding for a treat. Kirishima did so and took the small piece of parchment attached to the animal's leg. In a neat and curly handwriting with way too many exclamation points, was written :

You finished it? I can read it? I really can?! Bring your ass to the common room right this instant!!! I need to know what happens, I've waited too long!!
- Pink Witch ;)
P.s : password is Dragonhill

Kirishima laughed out loud. Not that he could blame her, he knows how much she loves the story, the characters and the plot. He sat back down and finished the last page he still had to read. When he finished it, he closed the book with a content sigh. Now he would just have to wait for the next book to come out. He ushered Arthur back outside not wanting him in his room while he was gone. On his way, he waved to Asui and Uraraka who were talking to each other, sitting on one of the sofas with a bag of sweets laying next to them. Seeing they were chocolates, Kirishima gladly accepted one when the girls offered. He left the common room and made his way to the staircase, praying they wouldn't move midway. It only took a five minute walk and when he saw the familiar painting of the Fat lady, he sped up. He stopped in front of her with a tilt and his shoulders slumped when he realized she was taking a nap. You did not want to wake the Fat lady when she was taking her beauty sleep.
Kirishima carefully cleared his throat.
No movement. He cleared his throat again. The Fat lady continued to sleep peacefully.


Finally, she opened one eye groggily, a deep frown gracing her oily (because it's a painting) features. "You again?", she said recognising Kirishima. "It seems you spend more time in here than the actual Gryffindors. What was so important for you to have disrupted my well deserved sleep time?"

Kirishima already dreaded this conversation knowing she could be more dramatic than an ancient Greek starring the main role in a tragedy. "I have a book to give to someone, Dragonhill."

"And you couldn't wait till tomorrow?", the lady complained loudly for everyone to hear.

There we go, Kirishima thought. "No, they really need it. They want to read it now. Dragonhill."

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