Chapter Nine 🌙

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Halloween was coming near and Hufflepuff, as the kind, purehearted souls they are known for, decided to bake all sort of cakes and desserts for every house. They got permission from the Hogwarts elves to use the castle's kitchens. The prefects settled them in groups of four or five. Every group had a different dessert to make and every person had to help. Kirishima paired up with Kaminari, Tsuyu and Uraraka. They were making Halloween-themed cookies. The boys prepared the batter and cooked the biscuits while the girls decorated them after they had cooled off. Not only was it a way to promote house unity between the four houses but also an opportunity for the Hufflepuffs to have a pleasant bonding moment. Even more peculiar, the students baked without using their magic. It had been the idea of the muggleborns. They wanted to show to half bloods and purebloods magic couldn't, and didn't have to, solve all their problems. Kirishima didn't mind, he used to help his mother sometime before he went to Hogwarts. Nowadays, he never had the time to make dinner with her and frankly, it was something he really missed. It was an experience that he could learn from and he had bonus bonding time with his mom! Baking with his friends wasn't half as bad per se. They had time to kill and took the opportunity to talk about everything and nothing. The two girls were busy working together so he decided to chat with his best friend Kaminari.

"Wait! You forgot to add an egg! You only used three, not four." Kirishima took one of the eggs that Kaminari hadn't managed to break yet and cracked the shell in two, adding the yolk to the creamy cookie dough.

"My bad." Kaminari continued mixing once Kirishima was finished while holding the bowl in one arm and holding the whisk in his other hand. He was making a mess, after four years of the same traditions, he still hadn't learned.

Kirishima leaned on the countertop. He had to wait until Kaminari was finished mixing before he could do the next step. "Er, what can we talk about? I'm kind of bored."

Kaminari shrugged. "We're kind of busy?"

"Too busy to talk? If professor Aizawa knew baking was all it took to shut us up he would've tried it years ago."

"Fair point. What do you want to talk about?"

"Er..." Kirishima stood straight and started to think. Do I tell him about my amazing discovery? No this is Kami we're talking about. If I do, the first person he'll tell is Bakugou himself. "What about Quidditch?"

"Bro,no. I'm sorry but I get enough of that from Mina."

"Oh! I heard rumours that All Might might quit his job to become a full time DADA Professor!"

"He better", Kaminari mumbled under his breath. Kirishima still heard.

"What? Why? The aurors will lose someone very strong and talented", he said.

Kaminari set the bowl down. "I just don't like aurors. They're all the same. They pretend to be strong people who can save anyone but once someone is actually in danger they are the last ones to arrive."

"That's not true! They save people and arrest the bad guys! Aurors have so many things to do and to protect!"

"You really think so? Then tell me why the hell they weren't there last time to save us!" Kaminari was shouting now. Uraraka and Tsuyu stopped what they were doing to stare but quickly left them alone when they realised it was personal.

"Kami, is this about the fire in our dorm?", Kirishima asked cautiously.

His best friend turned his head down, not daring to look him in the eyes. "Yeah."

"Hey buddy, don't look so down. I'm not mad. You should've told me! I understand really", Kirishima said. He rested his hand on his shoulder, wanting to comfort him. "I get where you are coming from. Trust me, that night still haunts me and I wasn't being attacked by that creepy guy! Just know that someone deliberately and purposefully locked All Might away from the castle."

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