Chapter 10

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The next morning, Kirishima found himself in front of the closed doors of the Hospital Wing at the crack of dawn. He tried to sneak off during the night but Professor Aizawa caught him and send him back to the dorms. He didn't sleep well. His hair was down, not feeling bothered to gel it in place, and the bags under his eyes looked grey. He was holding a cup of coffee in his hand. A house elf gave it to him. It was Solly, he met her in the Hufflepuff common room when he woke up, while she was cleaning the mess the sleep deprived last years left behind. Seeing the state Kirishima was in, Solly had immediately started mothering him. He was finishing his drink when Sero sat down next to him. Seems like he also woke up earlier to see Denki. They didn't speak much, they didn't have to. Both knew how worried the other was. Five minutes that felt like an eternity passed when, finally, the heavy wooden doors opened. Madame Chiyo, already wearing her nursing robes, stepped out and gave the boys a scolding look.

"How long have you been sitting there?" she asked, eyeing Kirishima's now-empty coffee cup.

"Can we see him?", Kirishima asked, not answering the question.

Madame Chiyo sighed, "Very well, on with you two. But do not disturb him too much. He still needs to rest!"

The boys didn't have to be told twice. They stormed to the only bed that was occupied in the room. Before Denki could even open his mouth, two pair of arms enveloped him in a hug.

"Whoa, I'm okay guys!", Denki laughed.

"Hey, don't judge us for being worried!", Sero grinned.

"Yeah!", Kirishima piped in, "You gave us quite a scare last night. What the hell happened? One moment you're gone to the bathroom and next Bakugou and I find you unconscious on the floor."

"You guys came looking for me?", Denki asked looking guilty. "I'm sorry, man. I didn't mean for that to happen."

"Hey, of course we would come looking for you! You're our friend!" Kirishima sat down on the hospital bed, carefully avoiding any places where his friend might be hurt, and slang his arm over Denki's shoulders. Sero sat at the boy's other side.

"But really, what did happen?" Sero asked, unwrapping a chocolate bar he founded on the nightstand next to the bed. Professor All Might had left a whole bag full of sweets for the unconscious student, feeling guilty that he had been attacked a second time under his watch. Kirishima motioned Sero to hand him a chocolate bar too, feeling hungry and knowing he was going to miss breakfast.

"Where do I even start?" Denki said, "I really needed to go to the bathroom during dinner so I left the meal to go take a piss."

"Language", Sero coughed.

"Shut up. As I was saying, I left to take a piss. Once I arrived in the bathroom, I noticed this weird looking closet that made strange noises. And I thought, I know Hogwarts is weird but why in Merlin's name would there be a closet in the fucking bathroom? So I came to the conclusion it must be a prank because it was Halloween and all that."

"Okay", Kirishima said, "Then what did you do?"

"I opened the closet."

"You opened the closet?! A closet that looked weird?! AN UNKNOWN CLOSET THAT MADE STRANGE NOISES?", Sero shouted.

"Yes", Denki replied.

"Are you out of your mind?!" Sero started tugging his hair because he knew Denki wasn't done with his story.

"Can you imagine my surprise when instead a bunch of ugly looking zombies walked out?"


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