39. Aleksey

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"Sir Mannone?"

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"Sir Mannone?"

Claude lowered his sunglasses, allowing his blue eyes to meet with the Russian Bratva man in front of him. The blond hummed, nodding before repositioning his shades and brushing his curly blond locks back.

With one simple movement, the air around him shifted, going from calm and gentle to composed and ruthless. Mikaël felt himself slightly shiver at the sight, he rubbed his earlobe. His eyes flickered from one unknown figure to another, before going back to his manager.

"Yes," Claude's blue irises focused on the teen in front of them instead of the adult who greeted him, and he gave a small bow. "Sir Volkov, I presume?" he asked in fluent Russian with a courteous smile as he stepped closer to the pink-haired boy.

The teenager gave a curt nod, his face showing a beam as he extended his hand for a handshake. Light and deep blue clashed with one another as the two men silently gauged the other, searching for a weakness, a strength.

No less than five seconds later, Claude let go of the boy's hand. He stepped to the side, revealing his charge's figure to the Bratva delegation.

"This is Mikaël Lamarre," he introduced as he gently grabbed the green head's hand in his own, pulling him to the front, he didn't forget to showcase the peculiar signet ring on his finger.

The group of men and women each wore black attire with a dark blue jewel serving as a breastpin, most probably to show off their belonging to the Rain Guardian's unit. Seeing the indigo gem atop of the ring, they stiffened, standing taller and straighter.

The pink-haired teen, like the others, wore a suit. Unlike the others, he didn't have a jacket and only kept a waistcoat over his white shirt. His hair pulled back with some pretty blue hairpins, he took out a lollipop.

He didn't show any confusion at the sight of the ring and seemed almost relieved to see it. His blue eyes indifferently took in the green's figure, analyzing him with some hidden anticipation. His gaze met Ryota's golden eyes, and he blinked, beaming at the older boy.

Ah, how disappointing.

Not letting his emotion show, he kept a mischievous smile on his lips, his eyes showed no emotion as he calmly signed back. 'We met once already,' noticing how Claude's eyes unnoticeably narrowed, he grinned. 'I am honored to meet the Vongola's future Mist Guardian, again.'

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