When he thinks you're NEWT Level, but you're not

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"I was not ready for this", Laurel said when we came back to our dorms after potions. "Are they trying to kill us? And what's with the new time tables? I'm going crazy."
"It's like the teachers are tryin to suffocate us with the homework.", I agreed and threw myself next to her onto the bed.

Cecily was the only one in a good mood.

"Come on, it ain't that bad. Also, since Madam Churchill retired and the eight year students are going to stop accompanying the lessons in about two months, it's only natural that the time tables changed."
"Talking about Madam Churchill, who will replace her?", I asked.
C-Lily shrugged. "I don't know. I guess we will see tomorrow."


A few hours later, I walked into the dungeons, right on time for my lesson with Malfoy.

"Eletherya, you're here. Go to your seat."

I frowned and sat down. On my desk cauldron and knives were set up, as well as a small black box next to it. He normally made me start with the potions immediately, in order not to waste time. "What are you planning?"

Malfoy smirked. "I believe that you have come to a certain level of skill after my tutoring. However exam period is starting soon..."

In what world were two months soon?

"... so I decided to up the intensity and difficulty of our lessons. Today you will create a potion from scratch. You will get the function of the potion, but not the name. In this box"- he pointed at the small black box next to my cauldron-"are three known functions and one unknown function. You will then have to create a potion from memory or from skill, if you are unlucky."

I sighed. With my luck I was for sure going to pick the worst card in the pot. "Is that really necessary?"

"Of course it is. You have to be able to take the N. E. W. T.s next year, so I prepared a task of that caliber. But, to make it a bit more fun for you, I, too will participate in the challenge. Whatever the description says, I will make as well."
I frowned. "Doesn't that give you an unfair advantage?"
"No, Blaise wrote them down. I handed him a list with all the potions we had done so far."

Mildly annoyed because I would spend at least two hours trying to make a potion from scratch, I picked out one small paper.

Function: permanent transformation into an intelligent animal of choice when dropped onto an object. Should be of use in the wizard in world.

He couldn't have written down something easier, could he? Why was it this hard?

I handed Malfoy the paper. He nodded. "You've got three hours, then I will test your potion."

Transfigurating an object into an animal with a wand was easy, but with potions - an absolute nightmare. How was I supposed to make a potion that created a functioning organism with a working mind?

It was out of question for me to give it an intelligent mind and spirit. But there was another option ... I could summon a helping soul.

One of the books I had read in the Hecate cabin described helping demons. Now, these demons although born in the underworld cannot survive without guidance. They were similar to humans, they needed love and parents. If raised well, they could be a lifelong helper. I already had Agapi and I wasn't planning on replacing her, but maybe I could give this demon to Laurel, Cecily, Alicia or even Malfoy.

Just what was the spell again?

"I summon you, oh spirit of fire, helper of mine. I will give you a body, raise you like my own child."

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