Chapter 1: "I. WANT. KIDS!"

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Ante's P.O.V

I was sleeping, well, trying to sleep at least.
Last night I got a little...drunk...but you can't blame me! I had a shitty day at
Waking up to an extremely painful hang-over wasn't part of my plan...but what came soon didn't help.


I jolted up from both the sudden yelling, and the whole new headache's experience.
Looking to the left of the bed, there was my boyfriend, Lance, standing to the side. I love him...but at this moment I'm exhausted, again in pain, and now confused.

"What'ss wrongh?!?" I said, with still a bit of a slur.

"I've been trying to wake you up for the past half hour!" Lanced exclaimed, slamming both of his palms onto the mattress.

"Oh" I say blankly, with a slight groan.

Sitting up, Lance watches me, with his hands now on his hips, and his eyes staring daggers into mine.
We keep eye contact for a while now, as I notice my hang-over's getting less irritable.

As we're staring, he keeps his angry little glare, which I honestly find cute...and kinda hot.
I give him a little sweet yet smug smile, as if I'm teasing him. He blushes but then immediately looks away.
"A-Anyways..." he stutters.
"I-I..." He takes a slow, deep breath in. Recollecting himself, he exhales and continues.

"Ante, I want kids."

After hearing that, my smug smile quickly faded into a shocked expression. I don't know how long I had that face for. All while my boyfriend looked like he had said that before about a million times!

"W-I-H-HUH?!?!" I immediately question after his news flash. I stutter, blushing like an idiot. I tell him that he's going to need to repeat that...I don't think I caught that very well....

Lance looks at me again, narrowing his eyes, pouting his lip a little this time.

"How many times do I have to repeat myself!?" He scoffs. "I. WANT. KIDS!!!"
By this point I'm as red as hell. I must look like McDaniel's itself from all this yellow and red..!

"K-kids..?" I say unsurely.

"Isn't that what I said?" Lance gives me an impatient tone of voice.

"Yeah..." I shift my eyes onto our bedside alarm clock. 5:00am?!? Why so early?!? Yet another face of shock, confusion, and slight annoyance appears.

"Wait...why are you telling me this so early in the morning..?" I..should really stop questioning him..

"Because I wanna get to the animal shelter early!" My boyfriend states, letting out an energetic, happy-go-lucky smile. He jumps up slightly while exclaiming this "wonderful" news.

My eyes had adjusted to the light by now, and I didn't realize he had already dressed up. Even had a suit on..
I was about to ask another question, but was swiftly interrupted by Lance grabbing my hand and pulling me out of bed.

"C'mon! Let's go before they close!" He said rushing us towards the door and down the stairs.
Accidentally, I let out a pretty loud "Agh fUCC-" in the process.
Our neighbors probably heard me..good morning I guess!

<[At the animal shelter]>

Ah..ahem. I'm out of breath from all the running...while Lance is as **ENERGETIC AS EVER.**
I look at the taped paper on the glass door of the building.
"..." I stay in utter silence once I read the note.
"...Lance...." I say with a blank tone of voice, he looks up at me, while my eyes stay glued to the paper.

"Yes, angel?" He asks, not knowing the situation I'm guessing.
"The flier says it doesn't open until 8:00am today..." I say, sounding irritated as ever.

Lance takes a look at the paper, putting his finger on his chin.

"Huh, I guess you're right..." he says in a small, yet nonchalantly voice.

I inhale deeply, until snatching Devil Boy's cell phone from his pocket quite harshly.
Exhaling, I look at the hour. It's. been. Twenty. Minutes.

"Only 5:20am?!?!"

"What!?!" The little spawn of Satan is shock as well it seems.

"What are we gonna do until it opens?!?" He seemed worried...good

Giving him a smile that basically screams "YOU F**KED UP", I look down towards him, and simply say

"I don't know, what are we gonna do..?"

"Hmm..." Lance looked away, looking down to his left. I could tell that he felt bad. While I was looking down at him, I look down at myself...wait...nO PANTS!!! I DIDN'T HAVE ANY PANTS ON?!?

I look like a mess!!! Dear God, hELP-- I didn't realize I was still in my boxers, I had a top on, but no shoes or didn't I notice the breeze while running here???

Ohhhh fuck. I'm starting to panic to the point where Lance notices, he also noticed why I was panicking. He tries comforting me by saying "H-How about we get chinese food..?" Giving me one of his warmest smiles. It's helps. But not enough to get my clothes on.

He brought some blankets for the pets that he was going to adopt, but thankfully gave them to me instead.

I love my little devil :)

We walked back to Lanc--Our apartment to get me some clothes. We decided to order chinese. After that, we would check the time to see if the shelter had opened yet.
"Hey...sorry about this morning..."
Lance looked at his ramen. He looked like a kicked puppy while apologizing. I felt pretty guilty...
"Aw, it's okay!" I say reassuringly, smiling. I continue.
"You know..I'm sorry too..maybe I was a little rude about the situation.."

He looks up at me from across the table, giving me a sincere and thankful grin. All while blushing. Adorable.

Changing the subject "Sooo....about those kids.." I bring up.
"Oh! Yeah! I was thinking we could have some fur-babies! Maybe two..?"

Phew, I'm still glad he was talking about cats. He loves cats! I'm not sure if we're ready to have kids of our own yet.

"Sounds like a good amount! What time is it now, babe?" I ask.

He reaches over to grab his cell phone. "Ah! It's...7:30! We can wait a little longer to get all ready!"

We had already taken showers after arriving, after all, we did have a little jogging event to the pet shelter.

"Mm. Okay." I reply, finishing my last strings of noodles

After playing a wee-bit of Dig-Make, (fake video game name please don't hurt me)
we decided it's a good time to go now.

We'd made it to the shelter by 9:00am, oh boy! We sure have done quite the amount this morning!

As we're entering, a few specific details had caught my attention...

As we're entering, a few specific details had caught my attention

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