"Uhh...What's This..?"

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I let out an  "Oh.." once I saw what was on her stomach...

There was..a scar.  A green scar..?  What does this mean?  There were several questions rushing through my head, especially if the cat was in pain.  And it was still...oozing..did she just get this scar..?

"Uhh...what's this..?"

Lance looked over, hearing me.  His eyes widened too from the sight. 

"AH!" He exlaimed, concerned. "Is the cat okay?!?!?!"  After that, the cat just sort of yawned..i guess she's fine?

Just to make sure, we checked the other cat, making sure that it didn't have any injuries as well.
    Lifting it up, i decided that I might as well check its gender too.  Male.  Man, I really need to stop assuming these things..

Later, it was confirmed that the black cat was female, and the one that looked like bread was male.
   Lance and I decided that we would name the cats after we took "Little Miss Green Blood" to the vet first.

"What do you think they're going to do about the scar..?"  Lance asked with a tone of worry.
"I don't know," I say, putting my shoes on for the trip. "But I think they'll know what they're doing for this case.."
"How so..?" Wow, he's really concerned about this..

I take a breath in and let out a sigh.  "Well, I heard that there's this witch who works in this special vet, and specializes in curses, cats, magic, and all that good stuff."  I end with a shrug.  He looks at me with a questioning    look in his eyes "oookaaaayyy then.."  he goes and slips on his shoes, picking up the cats and clearly struggling.

"Here, lemme help."  I grab the cinna-bun cat and hold him in my arms, waiting for Lance to put his shoes on.

"Ah, finally.." Lance sighed with slight relief "alright, Let's go!"

"We're playing Minecraft after this, right?" I haven't played Minecraft in ages and I'd like to spend our free time with my 'hopefully soon to be husband.'


    After his statement, we opened the door and left to that special yet kinda sketchy vet..

(Btw, sorry, but the image above is just me, since i haven't drawn/finished a piece that goes with the story.  There will be one hopefully soon though!)

Angelic Roommate's Sweet Embrace  (Ante x Lance)Where stories live. Discover now