Chapter 8 (edited)

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It's the day of the party and since their pack isn't that far from ours it hardly takes half an hour to reach there. That means I don't have to waste my whole day over a stupid party. I have lots of shit to do.

I still have to figure out where the hell is my mate, cause my wolf practically stopped talking to me and I have to go to a party full of arrogant and self-centred wolves. It's like the whole universe is punishing me for some shit that I did. Controlling my anger is getting difficult with each passing day but so far I did a great job hiding it. As no one gave me a concerned look or lecture about it.

"Hey, you should start getting ready. We would be leaving in an hour, " said Kyle as he entered my office.

"Yeah, I was about to get up," I said while closing my laptop.

"Relax it won't be that bad. Think about me lots of girls would be throwing themselves at me thinking that I would be the future alpha and they can become luna. And they couldn't be more wrong. " he said trying to lift my mood. But all I could manage was give him a small smile.

I'm wearing a very risky dress with a high slit and deep v-neck at the front. Let's just say dad and Kyle are not going to like it. But to me, it speaks sexy, elegance and power. I needed a dress that will capture everyone's attention and yet intimidate them. And with my red hair done in a messy bun, I think I will achieve that.

(Dress Edena is wearing)

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(Dress Edena is wearing)

Kyle told me that we would be leaving in an hour, so my time is almost up. I made my way downstairs and everyone was waiting there for me.

As I reached the last stair all heads snapped to me. I could see different emotions in their eyes and it almost easy to tell what they're thinking, like dad wanting me to change into something else, Kyle preparing himself to beat guys who laid their eyes on me and lastly Jay and Tyler looking at me with awe.

"Aren't we getting late? " I asked.

"Yes let's go, " said dad before making his way to his car.

I, Kyle, Jay and Tyler were going in Kyle's car 1970 Chevelle SS. (Yeah he loves vintage car).

"Wow, Eddy I didn't know you could look this good

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"Wow, Eddy I didn't know you could look this good. " Tyler exclaimed.

" Why thank you Tyler. I don't even know if it was a compliment or not. "I said with a bored tone, and withdraw myself from any further conversation.

Entire ride Tyler was talking about the possibility of him finding his mate. The only time he shut up was when entered alpha Johnathan's pack.

We get out of the car and went to dad who was already there waiting for us. I swear that man has no idea of how to drive safe or drive his age. None of us could ever dare to tell him that. Imagine someone telling dad that he's old, the poor soul wouldn't even get the chance to know what hit them.

As we entered the Hall every eye was on us, we're from one of the strongest pack in the country. It could be very helpful or dangerous at the same time. Alpha Johnathan and his mate Victoria came to greet us.

" Alpha Xavier it's good to see you're here. " said alpha Jonathan.

"We understand how busy you must be with handling your pack," said Victoria.

"It is good to see you too alpha, luna. And no I've got some great help with pack business. " Dad proudly said looking at me and introduced us, " This is my son Kyle, my daughter Edena and our beta Jay and gamma Tyler. " We nod our head as dad said each of our names.

This party is getting on my nerves, it's so damn boring. I groaned internally. I was standing there with the champion in my hand looking at the people wishing no one come to talk to me. It's already been torturous enough standing there while dad introduced me to other alphas and betas indicating that I'm going to be the leader. Some were considerate enough to acknowledge it while others not so much. But my piece lasted ten minutes only then someone came to me.

"You look beautiful. Did you fall from heaven cause you look like an angel. " said the guy.

" Yes, I am the devil. "countered back.

"Wow, and you're smart too. Rare combination. I'm Clay from Stone pack " He said offering his hand to shake.

I hesitantly shake his hand, " Thank you?"

"So I heard you're the daughter of alpha Xavier. " He asked.

I don't like where it's going, " Yes I am. "

"Your dad hasn't announced your brother as next alpha. Are you guys waiting for your mate, if he's a strong alpha? So he could be a better leader for your pack", he asked.

"When we decide to announce next alpha or who we decide is our matter. But I can assure you my mate would have nothing to do with that decision. And if you'll excuse me I have a brother to get to. " I said barely holding my anger.

I get away from him before he could open his stupid mouth again or I do something I'll regret.

"Can't we just leave we've been here for almost three hours? And I'm getting more and more pissed with each passing second. " I begged Kyle.

"Yes this party is boring and it's pretty clear that none of our mates is here. So let's go home," whined Tyler.

"Okay let me just tell dad," said Kyle, then he zoned out his mind linking dad. After a couple of seconds, " Dad said we could go. "

Thank goodness cause if I had stayed even a minute more we all would have witnessed a murder. I do feel like killing some brats.

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