Chapter 24

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He advanced towards me like a predator walking toward his prey. My heartbeat increases as he takes one more step towards me with different emotions in his eyes. Lust and love were the most prominent one. This moment could have been perfect only if I wasn't frozen at my place. I had wished for this moment since I saw him at the mall, but now that's happening its feel too good to be true. And if I made one wrong move all this would end like a dream.

I was too deep in the thoughts when a strong hand come round my waist and pulled me into their hard chest.

"You want this right? I could stop if.."

I stopped him before he could complete the sentence and shake my head.
" I want you. I have always wanted and will always want you. It's just hard to believe how could I get this lucky that Moon Goddess granted me with you. You are everything I could dream of and more. Sometimes I feel like this is all a dream and I'm going to wake up and you won't be there with me." I tell him pouring all my fears and insecurities to him.

"You Miss, are not getting rid of me that easily. I'm not leaving your side for anything. You bring the supernatural in my life. You think any boy from my school could say that." He chuckled softly holding me close to him.

"You wanted to know about matting. But I don't think it is the right time for that. But we could do other things."

"Your wish is my command, my lady." He said with a hint of rejection in his voice.

"Don't think that. I mean that I don't know how your body will react to my mark and this time I couldn't afford to take any risk. "

"Your mark?"

"Shit! I forgot to tell you about the matting process. But we don't need to stand here all night. Let's go in then we'll continue this."

I peck his lips and take his hand in mine. I led him inside the house to my room. We sat on the bed looking in each others eye, none want to break the trance we were in. My gaze shifted from his eyes to his lips. He noticed the movement of my eyes as he takes a sharp breath. I lean in close to him, close enough for me to feel his breath on my face.

He bent down until I could feel his mouth almost brushed my lips. I could barely breathe, so thick with sparkling tension was the air around us. Adrien's arms were around me in a millisecond, caging me in and then his lips came crashing down on mine.

Adrien's lips were soft, yet somehow incredibly hard and demanding. They were exactly as I remembered from our last kiss. His mouth claimed mine in burning need, sending shivers after shivers down my back. Arms were drawing me closer towards him, holding me against his body.

A familiar hand slipped behind my back, gripping my neck holding it in place, as his lips pressed harder against mine. I gasped giving him the chance to pass his tongue into mine.

How long did it go on?




I didn't know and I couldn't have cared less. With Adrien's lips devouring mine it seemed rather hard to remember breathing. We break free both trying to catch our breath.

I stepped back making some space between us while we were breathing hard.
"We….We were……..talking", I breathed and took a couple of a deep breath.

" Yes, we were. But can't we do it later", Adrien said leaning in again.

I placed my hand on his lips…….Oh, his lips. Eddy focus.
"You need to understand Mating."

He moved my hand from his lips and hold them down in my lap while he leans down close to my neck. I feel his breath on my ear.

"That I do." He whispered sweetly, taking my earlobe between his teeth, gently nibbling.

I growled, " Stop distracting me."
Goddess, he is going to be the death of me. I felt him smile as he pressed a soft kiss on my neck.

"Ugh…Mating is to tell other……other wolf that you are claimed…."

"Claimed?" He asked continuing his sweet assault on my neck.

"Claiming means you belong to someone and they belong to you. It is done by marking, mates bite each other on their neck, that forms a mark that last life long and tell other wolves that they have a mate."

That somehow got his attention as he froze at his place on my neck. I wait for him to tell me what he's thinking. I waited for a couple of seconds before he moved back with a pale face.

"Do both have to mark each other?"

"That depends on people and their relation, in some relations only male mark his mate, in some both mark each other. "

"But I won't be able to mark you, I want to. How would I keep other males away from you?"

He spoke so innocently that I can't stop myself from laughing. He frowned at me.

"That won't be necessary. I know I'm yours as you are mine."

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