Chapter 48

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Eddy's POV

I can't believe I reacted so childishly, troubling everyone. Tyler and Adrian had to come looking for me while I was hiding in the corner. They didn't even get the chance to rest properly and to look after me, but I just... I did not have the courage to face anyone at that moment. I needed some time and space to collect myself but that only happened when Adrian was by my side, maybe I should have started with that. But it just seemed unfair to depend on my mate when I was the reason for someone losing theirs.

Maybe I am a little selfish as I don't want to stay away from him. He gives me strength and goddess knew I don't have mine even to stand on my own two feet. Even though I had blocked all the links he somehow still knew how I was feeling and what I needed. I do feel like falling apart but I know that everyone's need of their alpha to be present is more important than my... mine taking a second to breathe.

Dad is staying with Raven for the night, he understands her pain more than any of us and I think dad had found a daughter in her. It's good for both of them they can keep each other company for a while. I totally understand and respect her decision of not having me at the funeral, but others are having a difficult time to come terms with that demand. I understand both sides and I know that Jay would understand my choice. He was always understanding.

"Baby, get out of your head and finish your meal or I would start feeding you like I used to do with my sisters," Adrian's voice breaks through my thoughts and I nodded.

I looked down to see I barely had started eating and seeing no point in worrying him any further I picked up the fork and tried eating, but I hand kept trembling. I don't know if it's trembling from fatigue or from the mess of thoughts that is in my head. Adrian sighed and take the fork from my hand and start feeding me. He patiently feeds me as I take my time.

After feeding me till he was satisfied with the amount of food I had consumed he gave me some pills. I guess some of them must be painkillers as I felt less in pain and drowsier. He picked me up to take me to our room, he carefully changed my clothes and put me in bed.

"Hang in there just a little longer then I will let you cry and fall apart and I promise I will be there to hold you. I will always be here for you. Always and forever," he said and kissed my temple and I felt myself drifting away.

Something woke me up and I groggily looked for the reason only to find an empty place where my mate should be sleeping, and I don't know why the first thing that came to my mind was that someone took him away making me jerked into a sitting position. The pain made its presence is known due to sudden moment maybe it's the reason for me waking up. I took a deep breath to calm myself enough to look for him. After looking around the room, I found a faint silhouette sleeping on the couch and instant calm spread through my body. But why is he sleeping there, it must be so uncomfortable? And I want him here where I can touch him or feel him. I decided to go there to bring him back to bed, we still have hours of time to sleep, perks of going to bed early.

I pulled my legs from the blanket and put one on the floor. "Fuck" I mentally screamed as sharp pain spread from my leg to whole body. How could I forget about that and put myself in this situation? I can't stay like this and I definitely can't move. I closed my eyes and take some deep breath in order to subdue some of the pain or at least make it to the point from where I could do something... anything.

"Eddy? What's wrong?" I heard his husky sleepy voice, it distracted me enough to open my eyes and look in his direction. He had sat up and was looking at me with concern.

"Why are you over there?" I cried out my question as another wave of pain shot through me.

He half ran and half walked to me and sat on the floor slowly caressing my aching leg, his touch having the cooling effect.

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