Chapter 49

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"Stephen you could be their alpha," I suggested making him and Kyle look at me, "Don't worry, I am just suggesting. You can decide whatever you want. And meanwhile, I would like you guys to mutually decide who you want as your alpha. We can find someone from outside but it would be better if the alpha is from your people. But we will find someone else if you don't have a perfect candidate for alpha position."After that, I sent them back to their cells to discuss it all with other members of their pack. Stephen turned to me and I knew he has something to say about what I said earlier, but he paused for seconds maybe for collecting his thoughts or choosing the right words. "Alpha, I am honored that you thought so highly of me but I would have to decline, there is a lot of bad blood with that pack and my wounds are still too fresh to even think about visiting that place. And I am very happy here with my mate and the rest of my family.""It's okay. I already knew you would say something like that, but I couldn't decide for you, it had to be your choice. And I am glad to hear that you are happy with us."I dismissed them and turned to Adrian extending my hands for him to take me in his embrace which he did without any hesitation. He pulled me close and I laid my head on his chest and closed my eyes. The feeling of bliss that I get just from being in his arm is enough to make me forget about everything. I felt myself floating as all the tension and pain left my body and I felt my eyes dropping.


We had arranged a small dinner get together thing in the pack, it's a good way to help everyone look at the brighter side of the darkness and have the will to keep living. Most of us have lost someone close to us be it, family or friend, this dinner is to appreciate everyone's efforts and scarifies and inform them about the changes that might happen.

"You all know why we are meeting here. Just two days ago we were fighting a war for our beliefs, our family, and our pack, and I would like to thank every one of you. I understand it was a difficult time but you didn't lose hope and keep fighting till the end. I appreciate all of your efforts and I also understand your pain. I am truly sorry for not being able to protect your family members who gave their lives to save us and I know I can't do anything to replace that missing whole from your life and family. But I promise you their sacrifice won't go in vain, they wanted us to live and be happy and we will do all that and keep them in our hearts. I, personally want to tell all our warriors who are here with us today and those who left us that I am thankful that I got the chance to get to know you and it's bee my honor to fight beside you.""Alpha, we also want to thank you for protecting us," says one voice among the crowd."I also want to tell you that we won't be appointing anyone as a beta. Pierce family has the beta position for generation and it would remain that way," I said making everyone look at me with disbelief."But Alpha, there is no one of that family among us now," someone said and I saw Raven flinch at the sentence. Is them being mate known to all? Do they not know that they have mated which means she is also Pierce?"We still have Raven with us. She is also Pierce; she is after all Jay Pierce's mate. It is her choice whether she wants to take beta responsibility or not. She can decide what she wants and take as much as time she wants, and if she decided that she didn't want that responsibility, that's fine with us too.""But can a pack function without beta?" every eye turned to me asking the same question. I knew this question would come but I didn't expect it to come from so many. Even Raven was looking at me asking this."No. pack needs each high-rank member to function properly. But we are no ordinary pack, we have two alphas and I believe we can make it work. So, you guys don't have to worry about anything," I assured them, but some looked like needed more than just words as assurance but that type of assurance can only be given with time when the opportunity would present itself. I know it looked like an emotional decision and I am not even going to deny it, cause some part is based on emotional reason. But I have some other reasons too which time itself reveals. I saw many looking at Raven making her cover into corners trying to evade their questioning eyes. "I would also want to tell you that two kids lost both their parents in this war. We can't compensate for that but we can provide them a new home and new family. If any of you are willing to take that role, please tell me. If no one comes up then these two will live with me and I would officially adopt them. And that's all for today," I tried to shift attention from her to the next topic. These two kids need a family to live, they lost their parent for the pack. Lydia, a five-year-old, and her brother Peter who is seven years old are currently living in the packhouse with an old couple who wanted to keep them in their family but are too old to take care of small kids. And I wanted both of them to live in one family. We will see who would come forward to take their responsibility, if no one came forward then Adrian and I would leave this dinner with two kids, whom we will call our own. We have already discussed it and it was he who suggested this.Everyone went back to enjoying the dinner after my last announcement, most of the young people were sitting near the campfire while elders were near to keep an eye on them. Dad and Tyler were with Raven, all three of them eating and laughing on something Tyler had said. Kyle and Stephen were standing in the corner sharing their meal and discussing something. Everyone looked to be enjoying this and I find myself relaxing at their peace and happiness. Never knew how much I need them to be protected when even a single one of them is in danger, I can't shake the feeling of restlessness till they are all safe and sound."I think they will have a complete family with two kids at the end of the night," Adrian said pointing towards where my brother was still discussing something with his mate."I would like that," I said and leaned back on him and he continues feeding me as we looked at our family."We will go to meet your family when I could stand on my own two feet without needing your help. I haven't met them one when I am keeping their son and brother away from them""You don't need to worry about that. We can go there later; I will talk to mom and make some excuse on why I can't meet them.""You are not doing anything of that sort, we are meeting them as soon as possible. We are already too late. You have been living with my family for more than three months and I am still to show them my face. It's not fair for them and you. We are meeting them and that's final.""I hope we are not interrupting anything," Stephen said while holding his mate's hand tightly looking nerves as hell, making me smile thinking what Adrian said is going to be true."We wanted to tell you... I mean, we wanted to ask for your permission..." he paused and took a deep breath before continuing, "we would like to take these kids home with us if you don't mind. I promise we will take good care of them. If...if you don't believe us you can test us, we won't ley any harm come to them and raise them as our own. I'll give you my words."

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