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My theory is that todd is actually not insane but is possessed by the red demon!

Ok so they cut him open and took his blood, his PURE blood. Later on when sal is killing everyone, when you see todd he is cut up, bloodily with blood shot eyes. Scared, he tells sal that the cult cut him open and took his blood and that he thinks hes dying.

As you guys know, before sal could murder him so the darkness couldn't get him again,  the police show up and arrest sal. Todd runs into the woods even more confused and scared runs into the woods.

I believe the only reason why todd body was still slightly stronger and lived was because the cult took his blood to somehow give the red eyed demon Todd's body when he came back. 

Now later on, the news lady shows sal a vidoe of todd who was in a mental hospital and had RED EYES. 

She says he begs to die everyday and such. As I believe a demon can possess someones body but that person can gain control sometimes 

I believe when the parts he begs to die is when he gains control over his body, believing if he dies the demon will die with him, which makes since to me.

The reason why sal freaked out and kept saying, 'I need to help him!' Because he notices the red eyes and knows it's the red eye demon fighting for control of Todd's body.

This is one of my theorys that not many people think deeply into. No hate against any of the theorys to. If you have a sally face theory you want me to put in my book please tell me in the comments, my pm doesnt work.

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