Larry - A host?

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This theory came from @Gray-TB-Muffin so shouts to them! Also thanks for the support, it means a lot to me!

Larry was supposed to be the host to the red eyes demon along. 

It makes so much since because larry is a alien/super being who could of been the same race as the demon, That is why todd had a bad reaction to it. 

Todd isn't THE host nor is his human body have the same organs/same shape causing him to be in so much pain.

Maybe it was even the demons plan along. To keep Larry's father alive and pursue him to have a child with a human, so he could take that body of the child later on for a host.

Once Larry's dad had no need for the eyed eye demon, the demon simply just killed him.

Yes its dark but it does make a lot of since.

Well that's the theory for tonight guys, if you have a theory you want in this book please do tell me and I will put it in here, and give you a shout out!

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