Larry- A killer or a witness?

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Shout outs to @swiftninja22 for this amazing theory

Now we've all always questioned why sal had trusted larry so easily- maybe because Larry didnt judge him for wearing a prosthetic. Now what was also werid was that Larry was on point about everything and where it was at, werid right? 

Now we all know that theory about Charlie killing Mrs. Sanderson and taking the toy and was possessed by the red eyed demon, but charlie is  guy, who is, lazy and fat, barely even leaves his chair and doesnt even seem to take showers. And on top of that, he was easily tricked by sal. So what if it was someone else so killed Mrs. Sanderson, because I dont think the red eyed demon would he willing to possess someone who barely even walks. 

Plus, I dont think hes dumb enough to even put the doll with blood on it, in display.  So it had to be someone else who can get out a apartments easily and I can only think of 2 people.

I frist thought it was larry. 

He claims to been with his mom, helping her when she never asked if he was ok nor did she look worried. As if larry never was supposed to be there. 

Plus if it was what Larry said, "happened so fast" Then the doll would have no time to sit in the blood. 

Now, I started thinking deeper, because larry was so scared to even talk to Charlie, how would he go in there and place the doll there? 

Well what if lisa saw Larry kill her and came up with the brilliant idea to frame Charlie. 

So she grabbed the toy and ran to charlie, claiming to be fixing something in the apartment and hid it with the rest. 

But that seems to easy, plus why the hell was larry so jumpy when he was the witness and quickly shushed him?

So here comes my second part of the theory- 

Lisa Is the killer.

Now before you go crazy saying no, think about it, she can go into any apartment with the excuse to fix or clean something.

So for whatever reason she killed Mrs. Sanderson (I have a theory for that but I'll put it in another chapter) and framed charlie, larry had saw. 

He probably knew his mom was wacked out and that's why he shushed sal, in case if his mom herad even though their in Larry's room and no one could hear them but the ghost even though theres no ghost in Larry's room. 

Also the red eyed demon can jump from body to body so if they did kill mrs. Sanderson them I hope it was because they were possessed but who knows.

Also larry said the person was wearing gloves and his mother always wears gloves so...

That's the theory for today! Sorry for not updating  sooner!

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