Chapter 4: Sophia

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Somehow I mange to get through the rest day without having any incidents with that strange hazel eyed boy. The bell rings, finally, school's over. I walk out of class and walk to my locker where Lexi catches up with me at my locker. Which makes me feel better. Whatever that hazel eyed boy said earlier obviously didn't have much of an effect of her, i guess.

"Hey...." she give me a small, apologetic smile, "sorry about Payton this morning"

Payton, hmm cute

I grab a few notebooks and shove them in my bag, "It's okay."

"Don't mind him. He's a pretty nice guy, once you get to know him."

I shake my head, "Yeah, the thing is I don't really want to get to know him."

She frowns, "Oh well that's too bad."

I roll my eyes, "Trust me, I'll live."

"Keep your voice down. He's right over there." She nods her head behind me, and when I turn around, our eyes lock.

I haven't seen him since first hour and now that he's standing at a distance from me, I realize how tall he is, broad shouldered and a body lined with generous muscles. A mop of light brown hair sits on top of his head. His jaw is firm and a small smirk is plastered onto his face like he's laughing about an inside joke no one knows about. Or it's a slight hint of danger, which is unsettling. His hazel brown eyes glimmer in the golden sunlight. He's glaring at me, his harsh stare looks like it's kind of forced, likes he's trying to put up a front. I then realize to myself that not only do I dislike him, but I hate how attractive he is. Annoyingly hot. Achingly good looking.

I turn away from him, my heart pounding in my chest. What did I ever do to him?

Don't bother even looking at him. He's a complete asshole that doesn't even deserve my time.

Lexi is smiling at me when I turn back around. "Be careful. Don't get distracted at how cute he is."

"He's not my type," lie "I don't befriend rude guys."

"That's okay," she tells me "Anyway, we should hang today."

I raise my brow, "It's Monday."

She shrugs her shoulders, "So? School's over. We have the rest of the day to kill, wanna go shopping?"

I have homework. I want to complain but I keep quiet. Right now i could use a friend, and Lexi seems nice. Besides, my mom wouldn't care. She's not really interested in my social life. As long as I keep my grades up, she doesn't really pay attention to me.

So I smile as I look back at Lexi, "Yeah, that'd be great."

We begin to walk outside to the parking lot, because her car is parked out there. As I open the school doors, I realize how many cars are actually parked out here.

"Are these all the seniors' cars?" I ask her.

"Juniors too," she tells me "I got my license at the beginning of the year, and then I got my car for my birthday." She points to a white jeep squished between two cars.

"Oh" I say. Oddly I feel intimidated now. I'm one of the juniors without a car. Simply because I'm afraid to drive. I have my license, sure, but after but after I got into an accident, on the way back from the DMV, I've been too scared to drive ever since.

I think to myself, Wow not only is everyone here extremely attractive but they're wealthy. This is a huge difference from my old school.

Just then when we reach Lexi's car, Payton walks past us. I watch as he heads straight to the car parked directly next to Lexi's and pulls out his keys. His brows are furrowed, for some reason I want to reach out and smoothen the creases, because he would look so much more attractive he he wasn't frowning.

Perhaps he reads my mind, because our eyes suddenly meet again.

He raises his brows at me, in a mocking way. I glue my eyes to the ground, avoiding his stare completely. I hear him open his car door. Apparently, he's one of those wealthy kids that own a car too.

"Have a good day, Lexi." he calls out, but his voice is filled with poison, sarcasm, and contempt.

I peek up at Lexi and watch her roll her eyes and get into her car, completely ignoring him. Reluctantly, I follow her and sit in the passenger seat.

"Ignore him," she tells me "He's being a dick right now."

"He was flirting with you." I point out lamely.

She starts the car, the engine revs up to life. "Oh trust me, Sophia, he's done worse to a lot of girls."

I frown, "A lot of girls?" He already sounds like he has a terrible reputation.

"Oh yeah, I could go on and on about Payton Moormier." She pulls out of her parking spot and begins to drive. "For one, he has a thing with a bunch of girls." I see that glimmer in her eye when she's talking about this, it's obvious that she's a proud gossiper. Whatever she's telling right now is definitely juicy. "There's Madi, Cynthia, Charli, and especially Avani."

I can't stop myself from asking, "Who's Avani?"

Legit rolls her eyes, "I could go on and on about Avani too, She is and I quote, 'the hottest girl in the school' according to all of the guys. I mean she has a perfect body, so obviously she's gonna get attention from them. Apparently, no one cares that she has the shittiest personality known to man. I guess that's easy to ignore when you have a good figure, right?"

I shrug, "I guess so"

"Wanna know a secret? Rumor has it that's Avani is starting to like Payton."

"So?" I ask, because I don't see the issue.

Lexi shakes her head, "That's a bad thing. You don't know this yet, but Payton Moormier doesn't date. He's never had, or wanted a girlfriend. If Avani ends up falling for him, then she'll just get her heart broken. Having a 'thing' with him is the closest you'll ever get to dating him."

I don't understand the concept at all. Back where I lived, if you liked someone, you date them. There are no in betweens. "What does it even mean to have a 'thing' with someone?"

I can tell she's getting excited to give me all of this information. "It basically means stricty fucking. None of that heart and flowers shit."

I almost choke on my own breath. How is it possible for a person to give themselves up in the most intimate way possible without actually being in love with the person? I shudder. I'm glad i'm a virgin and saving myself, and that my boyfriend Johnny never would force anything on me.

"I could never do that." i say quietly.

"Me neither, with a guy that good looking, I would catch feelings too quickly."

I lean my head against the window as she pulls onto the highway. Everything she's telling me is overwhelming me. How on Earth am I suppose to fit in here?

"Payton's not an option ," Lexi tells me " but there are a lot of other guys that I could set you up with."

I snort, "Like i would ever want to be with Payton," I mutter "That's not necessary though, I already have a boyfriend back in my hometown."

She frowns, "Fuck. That's too bad, half of the guys in our school already think that you're hot. Good for you though."

I think about it briefly, I wonder if Payton thinks I'm hot.

"I don't know how I'm going to survive here." I tell Lexi.

She smiles, "With me as your friend, the rest of your junior year will be easy for you to fit in, don't worry."

Judging by the way she says this, I'm assuming that's she's popular. Honestly if I stick by her, then I will make friends easily.

How hard will it be though? And what's the catch?

I give her a half smile, "Is this why we're going to the mall?"

Her smile widens, "I cannot wait to take you shopping, it will be like playing dress up."

Oh god, time for a change.

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