chapter 3: Payton

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I walk into the school with Avani and i hear all the people gossiping. I instantly know there's a new student. I mean this happens every time a new student comes. People go up to his or her locker and gossip like 12 year olds. Gosh what is wrong with this highschool. It's a new student no big deal. Unless it's a hot girl or a chill dude i can be friends with. Avani then swings her louis vutton purse over her shoulder and says, "What going on?" as she notices everyone gossiping, "New student" i say back to her.

"...she's so hot"

"...moved here from richmond last week"

"...yo I'd smash"

"...there's a new girl?"

so it is a random chick. I can't believe these people are overreacting about some girl. "Oh my god" i say as i push my way through a group of people gossiping. "Who cares" i say loudly so everyone can hear me. Me and Avani make our way to her locker. She opens her locker and looks in the mirror she has in there and checks herself out. "new girl" she says " yea like i care" i say rolling my eyes. "You never know she could be cool." she says as she touches up her mascara. "Doubt it" i say blatantly. "Okay Payton" she says smiling. "You know you're really pretty when you smile" I say not meaning it at all. I say shit like that all the time. Really Avani isn't all that pretty. I was looking at her tits.

she's blushing, "stop"

I frown, I forget i hating giving insecure girls compliments. They get too attached and take the shit to heart. Not that Avani is insecure i mean she does have all of the guys in the school chasing her. It just i know she likes me and i hope that feeling goes away because i would never return the favor.

"I wonder if she's pretty" she says curiously

i snort, "Probably not."

all i can picture is a scrawny, messy haired, nerd that has no relevance to me or the school. So i don't fucking care.

The bell then rings which forces to go to my least favorite class math.

i walk into the classroom and sit right beside my best friend Blake Gray. He looks at me and asks, "Did you do the homework?" i reply by shaking my head no. He frowns probably because he didn't do the homework either and was counting on me to copy off answers from.

Mrs.Clarkson come into the classroom and says. "sit tight everyone while i get attendance."
she then shuffles through her paper with a quick finger, "shit, where's my agenda?" The classroom erupts with laughter but the laughter stops as a unrecognizable girl walks into the classroom.

At first i don't even notice her. Until i do a double take. I can see this shyness about her and how there's hesitation in the way she moves as she shifts over to Mrs.Clarkson desk. She the tucks a lock of dark brown hair behind her ear. She blinks nervously at the ground. Her skin gives off a golden healthy look to it and her dark eyebrows frame her slender face. As she looks down her long eyelashes fan her cheeks and small almost invisible freckles sprinkle across her nose.

And fuck her body, I only have a frontal view of her but damn. She's holding her books across her chest, covering her tight cropped shirt. Her waist tapers inward, a large contrast to her set of wide hips. She's wearing frayed jean shorts. Her legs golden and smooth. Her figure is incredible.

"Holy shit" Blake says loud enough only for me to hear.

Well she's not ugly, but i kind of wished for her to be the version I envisioned in my mind, unattractive and irrelevant. Not some goddess that comes in and steals the spotlight. It irritates me.

Him // payton moormierWhere stories live. Discover now