Chapter One

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***Authors note! This collab isn't canon with our original stories. This is just a separate, fun story so enjoy!***

Mae's P.O.V.

Mae started her day just like any other. She spent the morning training by herself. Since Jiren was off in universe eleven doing work, he wasn't available to train her. She upped the gravity in her chamber and began to really push her base form. Once the gravity became too intense, she stepped up to super saiyan. Working these lower levels of power would help with her techniques. She was trying to make another combination move; however, she couldn't get it quite right, and it kept blowing up in her face.

Frustrated, she gave up and decided to head to Capsule Corp. Perhaps her mentor, Vegeta, could help her figure it out. If not Vegeta, then her father, Goku, was an option. Things had been going well between them since the Tournament of Power. Mae found herself training with him more and more.

Once she landed, she went into the building and began looking around. "Vegeta isn't here," Bulma said catching the half-saiyan off guard.

"Where is he?" Mae asked.

"He and Goku went training with Whis," Bulma said.

"What?! When?!" Mae exclaimed.

"Some time yesterday, no wait, the day before," Bulma tapped her chin in thought.

"Shit, I was in universe eleven then," Mae groaned. "Lord Beerus is gonna yell at me for missing training again. Not to mention he's still grumpy about the twins showing up."

"Just give him some snacks and he should forgive you," Bulma laughed. "Speaking of, when are you and Jiren finally going to have kids?"

"Uhh, not any time soon," Mae flushed. "Both of us are busy."

"You've said that before," Bulma sighed. "Anyway, maybe you should go see Gohan."

"Alright, good idea," Mae nodded. 'Gohan could use some more training,' she thought as she flew to her twin's house. 'I wonder if he's been training with Piccolo.'

She lightly knocked on the door and was surprised to see her mother Chi-Chi open it. "I thought you were off training with your father!"

"Nope. He went without me," Mae shrugged. "Gohan here?"

"You know Gohan has work," Chi-Chi clicked her tongue. "I'm here watching Pan. When was the last time you saw your niece?"

"Err," Mae tried to remember. "Maybe a month ago?"

"You need to visit more!" Chi-Chi snapped before letting out a sigh. "I swear you are just like Goku. You might be able to have lunch with Gohan if you hurry."

"Alright, thanks mom,"  Mae groaned. This whole day seemed to be impossible to find the people she wanted to.

For some reason, she felt the need to walk to Gohan's work. She walked through a wooded area and spied a middle aged woman with tawny brown hair walking directly towards her. Mae shrugged and continued forward but the woman stopped directly in her path. When Mae tried to go around, the woman stepped in front of her.

"What's your deal, lady?" Mae said slightly annoyed.

"You are Son Mae," the woman said. "I need your help."

"First, how do you know who I am? Second, why should I help you?" Mae rolled her eyes. She was already annoyed about missing training and now this random woman was bothering her.

"The whole fabric of reality could be in danger," the woman said desperately. "A terrible force is coming, and I do not have the strength to fight it. You, on the other hand, can. Take this jewel and protect it." She pulled out a cloth and revealed a black jewel. "My family has guarded this for generations, but now that the time has come, I fear the worst. The jewel sent me to find you."

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