Chapter Nine

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When they walked out and joined the others, they felt the enormous energy coming down. "I can't sense divine energy, but I still feel that," Gohan observed nervously.

Niya felt her stomach drop. "Is this the Angel? And is that..." Niya felt Lady Ayata's presence. Her chest began to hurt, so she held a hand to her chest.

"She's gone," Mae said. "But you still have the lessons she taught you."

Niya held a somber expression. "Then I need to defeat this Angel, for her!"

"You're not alone," Vegeta said, picking up on their conversation.

Niya looked at all their help and smiled. Together, they could defeat any evil that stood in their way.

As the fighters gave themselves a nod of readiness, a strong wind overtook the Lookout. They all held their place, withstanding the powerful winds. In a flash, the winds disappeared and was replaced with a glowing being. It was a woman with long crimson hair and eyes. Her skin was a fine light blue and her robe was a shimmering onyx. Her ruby red lips formed a smirk of confidence.

"I'm guessin you're the angel?" Mae asked boldly.

Seriah folded her arms. "Hello, fellow saiyan mortals, and others," she began. "And yes. I am the great Angel Seriah, the most powerful Angel ever created!" She swirled her staff in her hand, revealing the mashed jewels on the top. They glinted in the Earthly sun.

"Heh, you seem weaker than Whis," Vegeta smirked.

Seriah's smirk faded. Her perfect lips formed an angry frown. "Whis the Angel? Hah, please! He's my little brother. Everything he learned was from me! Except for his tastes in favorites, it seems. This mud ball is disgusting! Let's move our battle to a more divine location!" She smirked, "Hold your breaths, mortals. We're going to make one Hell of a jump!" With a wave of her staff, Seriah lifted the group, and a blinding instant, they were teleported to a barren planet.

Before they were scooped up, Mae pushed Gohan and Piccolo out so they wouldn't get taken with. When they arrived on the planet, it was just the four saiyans and Jiren.

"Where have you taken us?" Vegeta demanded.

"Better to not have done this on Earth," Jiren said.

Seriah looked down at her audience. "Hm, it's a little dark here on this new, divine planet, isn't it?" she pondered, "As the Great One said, 'Let there be light'." With a wave of her staff, a beautiful sun appeared. "Hmm," she looked once again, "This dirt will be no good. The floor needs to be a great quality! What is your preferred flooring? Quartz? Marble?" She seemed excited, which was natural for someone who was trapped for millions of years.

"Who gives a shit?" Mae said growing impatient.

Seriah simply scolded with iridescent crimson eyes and froze Mae. "Silent, you ungrateful woman."

"This conversation is over," Jiren glared at Seriah. He used his energy to break her hold on Mae.

"Ohhh!" Seriah smirked, "You're a strong one indeed. Training day in and day out to achieve your power to save those you love. How noble, Jiren." Her eyes glowed an iridescent blue, the Mind Jewel. She frowned in disappointment. "Unfortunately, this doesn't look like it's going to be any fun. We need something more... Poor Niya is here by herself, longing for the embrace of her dear husband and son. Alas, as the divine great Angel Seriah, I will grant you three helpers, all who have come in contact with the Red Jewel." With a snap of her fingers, Trunks, Miyako, and another figure appeared next to Niya.

"Trunks?!" Both Mae and Vegeta exclaimed at the same time.

Trunks and Miyako stared in disbelief at Niya and their other companions.

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