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3 Months later

Katsuki Bakugou's Pov

I fixed the collar of button up shirt and Put on my white coat. I loaded a small pistol and loaded it, and placed it in a secret pocket. Today was the day of the wedding and I already planned everything out with the help of Blonde Bitch. We had everyone during the service sit on a certain side, depending on who was the target and who wasn't. So everyone that new about the plan sat on my side of the altar, and everyone who was dying was on Blondie's side. We made sure that everyone who was in each Mafia was there so there wouldn't be any backfires. But for extra precaution we made sure guns weren't allowed and we hid them under the other chairs on my side.

"Kacchan are you ready?" Deku was the one helping me get ready, along with Shark face and Canadian Flag. Since Deku found out that the asshole was his father he was devastated at first. He would cry until he couldn't, he barely ate or slept. I had to make sure Pink shit came and stayed with him to make sure he didn't do anything stupid. Eventually he snapped out of it and started doing better. 

"Yeah i'm fine let's do this shit." I sighed and we made are way out of the dressing room.

Hitoshi Shinso's Pov 

I don't understand WHY Bakugou would sit me beside Dabi, the one who put me in the hospital THREE times since i've been training him. I mean, yeahh can be kind and funny, and he has amazing eyes... shit, sometimes I hate myself for having a crush on that asshole.

"Shinsoo when is this shit gonna be over." Dabi complained. Oh yeah since he sucks at using guns Bakugou didn't put on under his seat so I have to make sure he doesn't get hurt, cause he's a dumbass. 

"Don't be a brat, and make sure you stay behind me when Bakugou gives the signal." I whispered into his ear. I saw him shiver and I smirked.

"Shut the fuck up." Dabi glared at me.

"I didn't even say anything!" 

Music started playing and we all stood up. We watched as Camie walked down the isle in a strapless white gown. Once she got to the altar we all sat down. 


"Do you, Katsuki Bakugou, take Camie Utsushimi as you lawfully wedded wife?"

"I-" He paused and we all grabbed the guns under our chair and started making shots at the other side, careful to not hit anyone on our side. The room was full of loud gunshots ringing through the air, people screaming and blood splattering everywhere. I had made sure I shoved Dabi behind me and we all just kept shooting until everyone just stopped moving, a great plan. It was silent before everyone started to celebrate. I could feel something clutching onto my back and I turned to see Dabi with his eyes shut tight and him shaking. I put the gun down on my seat and kneeled down so I was on his level.

"Hey Dabi, you can open your eyes now, it's over, we killed them." He opened his eyes and he just stared at me before pecking me on my lips and turned his head so I couldn't see his face. I chuckled.

"Your such a dork." I said before I grabbed his chin and kissed him back.

Izuku Midoriya's Pov

It was all in slow motion. Once Kacchan gave the signal I took my gun out from my jacket and shot Hizashi in the leg once he tried to go for Kacchan. He screamed out and I pinned him down.

"Get the fuck off me!" I slammed him down on the ground hard to make him shut up.

"You remember your son, Izuku Midoriya? The one you abandoned because he wasn't a girl and was useless." I hissed at him.

"What- I never said his last na-" Then he finally realized who I was and grinned.

"Oh your Izuku, The useless piece of shit that should've been an ab-" I didn't let him finish as I shot him on the side of his head, blowing his brains out, blood splattered across my face.

I smiled.

Shouto Todoroki's Pov

After we killed them Bakugou ordered Mineta and a few others to dispose of the bodies and clean up the hall. I changed out of the suit I wore and was wearing comfortable sweatpants and a giant baby blue shirt. Iida looked amazing in his suit. I groaned. No matter what I did I still thought of Iida. I went over to the fridge and got my favorite icecream, Rasberry sherbet, out of the fridge and got a spoon. I went back over to my living room and sat on my couch, putting on a random horror movie.

-5 hours later(2 a.m.)-

There was a knock on the door and I paused my movie. 

"Who could be up this late.." I mumbled as I opened my door. I saw Iida standing there with a bouquet of white roses and wearing somewhat casual clothes. I gave him a confused look but let him inside.

"Did you just get back from a date and they gave you flowers??" I asked as he set them on the kitchen counter. 

"Uh no.. I need to tell you something." I sat on my kitchen counter and nodded.

"What is it?" I asked. He chuckled.

"I realized that whenever I went on those dates that all I wanted to do after the date was just talk to you." He walked over to me. 

"I should have realized it sooner, Shouto Todoroki, I like you a lot, more than friends." Iida moved until he was standing between my legs. After he said that I grabbed his collar and kissed him. 

Fucking finally.

Katsuki Bakugou's Pov

After Deku and I washed off we went back to my room and celebrated. After we had calmed down we just watched TV and cuddled.

"Kacchan?" I looked down at Deku.


"I love you." He whispered I smiled.

"I love you too Nerd." I said as I kissed him gently on the lips. He giggled. I started to kiss down his neck and started sucking. 

~After that( I don't write smut deal with it VnV)~

I woke up in my bed with Deku on my chest, Snuggled into a little ball. I grinned and wrapped my arms around him and flipped him over so he was the one on the bed and I was on top of him. I kissed his face until he woke up.

"Kacchan? What are you doing?" I he asked in raspy voice.

"Kissing your face because it's cute." I answered honestly. He giggled i kissed me back.


Soo this is the last chapter before the Epilogue! :D

I had fun writing this book but now it's time to choose the next ship soo vote! 

(Also if you couldn't tell i'm a really big multi-shipper so ^:)


-Bakugou x Kaminari soulmate au

-Villain Deku x Dabi

-Tododeku(Deku get's bullied by everyone at UA)

-ShinDabi where Shinso turns into a villain(Kinda like my finished dabideku but better xD)

-Sequel to Feelings(Based around their daughter Ena)

-TodoIida where Todoroki is a supermodel :^


-Klance highschool au(very angsty Keith)

-Klance where they meet their future child


-Travis x Sal(doesn't follow canon story)

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