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A/n: I once heard a wise little meat wadd say, dream a little meat. that little meat wadd was Natalie Casanova.

My mom hid the cookies.

And that's okay with me.

I keep getting ideas but I go to write them and it turns into a unicorn pooping candy and butterflies. I hope that gaits you. READ ON BAES; that doesn't not include joe, he is not a bae.

Ps. thank you Ashley for posting that picture of them.


I wake up in a hospital.

<okay this is turning into a typical fanfic so I'm changing it up was we go>

The only problem was, I wasn't in the bed. I saw all my friends surrounding a girl in the bed.

"That's-thats me!" I shouted in fright, but no one heard me.

"Am I dead?" I thought

"No you are not dead nor alive" I heard a man say, with a voice deeper than Kevin, mark, or Adam's voice.

"Who said that?"

"I did" I saw a man with a white, green, and gold cloak, with a white beard walking towards me.

"Why am I-"

"You are here because I need to know why you have done this to yourself"

"The voices"

"Well, the voices are gone now" just then I saw Aleks in tears as he was walking towards me.

"Aleks..." I said just before he walked through me.

" He cannot hear you" the man said.

"What do you mean?"

" As I said before you are not living, but you are not dead, your heart is still beating and everything is working." I gave him a confused look."as you would put it, you are in a coma, and you get the decision to live or die" I heard familiar voices. Then the man began to speak again. " you can hear them but they cannot hear you."


"So what is your decision?"


"Live or die" I thought about it I want to die, but I can't leave them.

Kevin's POV


I took Aleks to her house and he was only blaming himself. He would yell things like:

"WHY!?! WHY"

"WHY DID I HAVE TO LEAVE HER!" And other things I wish to not repeat.

For the most part, it was me to blame. I wasn't with her and I knew she was alone, I knew she was in a dark place and I left her all alone. I practically killed her.

Could this be love? &lt;creature fanfiction&gt;*completed*Where stories live. Discover now