Chapter 2

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Aizawa walks the hallways back to his class. When he comes in it seems everyone has finished they're paper, as he see them on his potium. The students are calmly chatting with one another, looking over at Aizawa who has just entered.

"Hi, Mr. Aizawa!"

The teacher gives a nod, acknowledging his students greeting. He stood behind his podium, stacking the students papers that were on top of it. Aizawa tucks them into his binder making sure he had all 20 papers, he counted 25. Midoriya, Yaoyorozu, Todoroki, Iida, and Bakugo wrote two pages of– Bakugo!?

He closed his binder, beginning class. "Settle down."

His students did as they were told.

"Thank you for finishing your assignment, I'll hand you back your papers graded, either tomorrow or Thursday (it's currently Tuesday). Since we only have 20 minutes, I'll allow you guys to talk quietly. I'll be at my desk if any of you need me."

"Yes sir!"

Aizawa sat down at his desk as his students have different conversations. He was forming a headache from all of the stress and lack of sleep, but he couldn't let anyone know that. He put his head in his hands, closing his eyes tightly. The hero's head pounding to the beat of the drum.

The observant students such as Tsuyu, Iida, Uraraka, and Midoriya caught on the strange behavior quickly. They knew Aizawa would never end class early just because of time.

"Time is precious." Their teacher has said it many of times, so the students could use it wisely.

Time has passed, and now the bell rung for lunch. During those 20 minutes Aizawa went into his sleeping bag, but the bell interrupted his snooze, causing his head to pound again.
He sighed as he got out of his sleeping bag, dismissing his students for lunch.

The man sat back down at his desk, watching his students leave as he noticed a few approaching him. Midoriya, Uraraka, Iida, Tsuyu, and Kirishima.

Uraraka stood in front of her teacher's desk with her hands behind her back. "Are you okay, sensei?"

"I'm fine." Aizawa said in a monotone voice.

Iida stepped up, "Sir, we couldn't help but noticed you cut class short."

"Yeah! You never do that." Kirishima added.

Aizawa pressed his lips together in annoyance, letting out a sigh. "As I said before, i'm fine. My well-being is irrelevant. What matters is that the five of you aren't late for lunch."

"We're sorry. I-it's just with everything that has been going on. You're always checking on us, but we don't check on you." Midoriya says fidgeting, waiting for his teacher's response.

"Midoriya, it's my job as a teacher to make sure all of my students are okay. It's not your job to check up on me." Aizawa looks over at Iida, Tsuyu, Uraraka, and Kirishima. "That goes for all of you too, plus your classmates."

"Yes sensei." The five students say together, bowing their heads.

"We're sorry." Tsuyu apologizes.

The raven teacher looked down at his desk, as he shook his head. "Don't apologize for kind actions." Aizawa looked back up at his students. "Now, I don't want to repeat myself. Make your way to the cafeteria before you're late."

He needed to cut the conversation short, so his students could have time to eat.

"Yes sir." They said, leaving the classroom.

The five walked to the cafeteria as Kirishima started speaking.

"I don't understand. What was the whole point of that? Doesn't Mr. Aizawa always act like this?" The red haired boy asked tilting his head in confusion.

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