Chapter 11

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Shinso walked into the gym to do his upper body work outs. The teen was observant. He found it kind of weird that his father said that he wanted to watch him train, even though he's not even here to see him.

Shinso digged through his pockets, "Damn it I forgot the stop watch." He muttered to himself.

He needed it, so he could keep track of his time when ever he finished different sets of work outs. He walked back outside, but he was confused when he didn't see Aizawa nor his father anywhere. Shinso looked around when he heard voices coming from the side of the building. He followed the voices and forgot about getting the stop watch.

"I saw your damn email. Don't even think you're doing me a favor for not pressing charges." That was his father's voice.

Shinso was confused, Pressing charges for what? He hid himself by a nearby bush. He had no intentions on ease dropping until he heard that. His father sounded angry, it's not like him to get angry.

"Oh please, don't get full of yourself. I just thought it was a waste of time. What's a weak ass punch in the face going to do?"

What the hell is Mr. Aizawa talking about? Shinso leant forward, so he could see the two men without them seeing him. Shinso's eyes got wide when he witnessed his father shove Aizawa against the wall, pining him there.

"Stop!" Is what the teen wanted to say, but he was too shocked at the scene beforehand. His father wasn't like this at all. What on earth is he witnessing!?

Aizawa was talking again. "If you keep putting your hands on me we're going to have a problem. I'm trying to reason with you, but you're being so goddamn stubborn."

Shinso let out a sigh of relief when his father took his grip off of Aizawa, but he was still so confused. What could possibly make his father so mad that he'd act like that?

"I'm going to need you to leave."

The teen watched as Aizawa pointed to the car lot, telling his father to get lost. Why?

"I thought you wanted us to meet up and resolve this so called tension we have."

What tension? This is the first time they've interacted, if I'm not mistaken?

"No!" The boom in Aizawa's voice made Shinso jump. "Not when your fucking son is in the middle of training. Your mindset isn't even in the right place, you've acted out of violence towards me twice."

...Twice!? When was the first time!? My dad would never—

Aizawa continued, "You're being so goddamn selfish right now. If Shinso were to walk up to see you acting like this, what would he think of you right now?"

Shinso heart beat accelerated. He needed answers now. What the hell happened between these two that he didn't know about?

The teen didn't notice how far he was leaning on the bush before he fell, causing the two adults to look in his direction

Damn it, time to play it off.

"There you are, sensei! I was looking for the stop watch, but I couldn't find it." Shinso gave off a nervous laughter, playing it cool as if he didn't hear the previous conversation.

Hajime rushed over to help his son off the ground. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine, I just fell." Shinso dusted off his pants, he was now standing beside his father.

Aizawa noticed how quick Hajime's demeanor changed from hostile to caring around his son. He took note of that. At least he's a good father.

It was now quiet and awkward, but Hajime took it in his hands to change the subject.

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