Chapter 4

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Hitoshi got in the car with his mom, surprisingly his father was in there too

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Hitoshi got in the car with his mom, surprisingly his father was in there too. So he sat in the back. He was low-key happy that Aizawa ended training early. That meant his mentor could rest. But, he didn't like that getting angry at each other was the reasoning for that.

"Why did you guys end training so soon?" His mother asked, putting the car in drive.

Hitoshi gave a one sided shoulder shrug. "Mr. Aizawa was tired."

"Wow, I can't relate." His father said with a sly smirk.

Hitoshi was glad his father was off today. He loves spending time with the man as much as he could. Since his dad works inhuman hours and Hitoshi's school and training hours aren't lined up together.

Hitoshi chuckled at his father's joke. Hajime was a funny man.

Mihoko stopped at a red light. "Mr. Aizawa is always tired." Her mother instinct kicked in. "Is there something you're not tell me, Toshi?"

The teen sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "It's nothing. We just had an argument. Do I really have to talk about it now?"

"Yes—" Mihoko was cut off by her husband.

"No, but later you will. Right now we're going to go to the movies." Hajime said, changing the subject. The man, like his son didn't want to have any serious conversations right now.

"Wait, we are!?" Hitoshi asked in excitement, bouncing in his seat like a little kid.

His mother nodded her head with a smile.

"Yep! I need to spend some quality time with my two favorite people." His father said.

Mihoko's heart fluttered at her husband's statement.

Aizawa shares the same dormitory building with his students known as the 'Teacher Quarters"

Aizawa entered the building's lobby, seems like most of his class was there. They all greeted him, but he ignored them. He wasn't up for talking right now. He made it to the teacher's quarters and entered his room, locking the door.

The man was frustrated, he looked at the time on his night stand, walking to his bed. It was 4:47pm. Aizawa laid back on his bed, taking off his scarf. He started thinking about his argument with Shinso. Was I overreacting? What if the kid actually had an asthma attack?

Aizawa sat up in a sitting position. I need to take a shower. He walked over to the bathroom, stripping off his hero uniform. The naked man turnt on the shower, checking the temperature. Once it was warm enough he hopped in. The water droplets hitting his toned body filled him with pleasure, it was very soothing to him. Just what he need.

Aizawa finished up his shower, now drying off with a towel. While he was in the shower he washed his hair, it was wet but it smelt like cherries. He put on some lounge clothes, black long sleeve and pink sweatpants.

The man was hungry, the only thing he ate today was his 6 bites of stir-fry during lunch. He checked the time, grabbing a pony tail holder for his dampened hair. 5:23pm was the time, Aizawa didn't have time to eat if he planned on talking to Midoriya before he left to see Eri. His schedule has been so crammed lately. He hasn't even read all of his students writing assignments expect Todoroki.

He grabbed his keys and capture weapon as he headed to the lobby, bringing his binder with him. Aizawa eyes scanned for the freckled, green haired teen. Spotting him in the kitchen with Idia and Todoroki. The three we're making sandwiches, watching their teacher walk over to them. Aizawa motioned for Midoriya to come to him, away from the others.

"I'm about to visit Eri at the hospital. Is there anything you want me to tell her?"

Midoriya thought to himself before responding. "Will it be okay if you take me with you tomorrow?" The teen asked, playing with his hair. He continued to speaking. "If I have something I want to say to her, I want it to be face to face."

"Will you be fine with Mirio giving you a ride?" Aizawa thought for a second. "I'm sure he has a lot to say as well."

Midoriya nodded. "Yes, sir. I'll ask him tonight and I'll text you once he responds."

"Okay, I have to go. Remember lights out at 10:00." Aizawa started walking away to the exit.

Aizawa made it to the hospital at 6:05pm. He checked in asking to go in room 172 upstairs, which was Eri's room.

A doctor named Ms. Nagisa lead him upstairs. She had short blue hair and vibrant blue eyes. The doctor had a clipboard hugged to her chest. The two adults made it to the door and then they stopped.

Ms. Nagisa gave Aizawa a rundown of Eri's condition. "The little girl should be able to get out very soon. Right now she's asleep. I advise you not to wake her. Eri has been waking up out of her sleep constantly with night terrors. We've put her on a low dose of Prazosin for her sleep disturbances from PTSD."

"How long has she been asleep?" Aizawa asked.

The blue haired doctor looked at her clipboard, "2 hours. So she should be waking up around the 7 o'clock hour."

"Am I free to go in?"

"Of course, of course. If you need anything let us know." She turned on her heels, making her way down the steps.

Aizawa went into the room and closed the door behind himself. Eri was sleeping soundly on the hospital bed. The only noises that were heard was the steady beeping of the heart monitor. Aizawa sat on the chair next to the bed, pulling out his binder, reading one of his students essays.

Izuku Midoriya
I improved on my quirk a lot since the beginning of the year. I've learnt how not to destroy my body while using it. I made an attack called Full Cowling and it's very affective. I've converted to using my legs more instead of my arms (All Might gave me the idea). I don't know if I should write about this, but when we rescued Eri I felt what it was like to be relied upon. It's gave me a real look on what I'll have to face in the future. Especially during the USJ attack. But, during that time I didn't improve on my quirk much. Though your training is exhausting, it's making me strive harder than ever to become the hero I always wanted to be. Just like All Might.

Midoriya, I'm glad to see that you've learnt how to refrain from self destruction, while using your quirk. You've grown a lot. I've had a weary eye on you in the beginning of your enrollment, but you're really making up for that.

Also... try to not mention All Might in every assignment I give you.

 try to not mention All Might in every assignment I give you

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