Chapter 7

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It was now the next day. Aizawa didn't get much sleep last night. It's not like he ever does.

All the teachers were in the lounge either, drinking/making coffee, printing out worksheets, grading papers, or talking. Aizawa was drinking coffee, while reading through his students reflective writing assignment that he gave them yesterday. He was interrupted when a little white rodent walked in, interrupting the other teacher's conversations.

"Aizawa, please come down to my office with me."

Every adult in the room was now looking at the raven haired man. Principle Nezu noticed. He knew that his former student didn't like a lot of attention, so he waved the other teachers off.

"My class is about to start." Aizawa said, walking up to him.

"I won't be holding you up too long. It'll only be for a little while. Besides if I do so, I'll just send All Might to chaperone."

Aizawa sighed following the little white rodent to his office

"What's this about?" Aizawa stuffed his hands in his pockets.

Nezu chirped up, "I have access to all of the emails sent to and from every individual using the UA email address."

Aizawa grumble something inaudible.

"I suppose you know what I'm talking about."

Principle Nezu opened the door to his office and led Aizawa in. Let's just say Aizawa was not pleased when he saw a taller version of Shinso.

'Ughhhh he said he wasn't going to take it to the principal.'

Aizawa stopped his steps, refusing to walk farther into his bosses office. "This is a waste of time." He didn't care if Hajime heard him, it was meant for him anyways.

"Come on, don't be like that." said Nezu, climbing up on his chair, behind his desk. "Take a seat." The rodent pointed to the seat beside Hajime and gestured for Aizawa to sit there.

"I think I'm good standing here." Aizawa stood a good few steps behind the chair that Nezu wanted him to sit in, not wanting to sit beside the man who was ruining his morning schedule.

Aizawa continued to talk, glaring at the back of the purple haired adult. "There's no point in getting comfy if it's not going to take as long as you said."

Hajime turnt his body around in his seat that was in front of the principal's desk to get a good look at Aizawa, the man that his son would always boast about. Honestly, Hajime couldn't see what his son saw that was so good in the man.

"Sorry Mr. Aizawa. I know I said I wouldn't take this to the principle, but I had no choice. You never emailed me back. So, how could I be sure if my message got clear to you?"

Aizawa crossed his arms, "Oh, never mind that. Your message was perfectly clear.

Hajime turnt his chair towards where Aizawa was standing, because he really didn't want to have his head turnt the whole time while talking to this man.

"In what way?" Hajime wanted to make sure his email went though Aizawa's thick skull.

Aizawa never broke eye contact with Shinso's father, because he meant what he was about to say. "It's simple. You're an overprotective father, who wants the best for his son."

The purple haired man furrowed his eyebrows, sitting up in his chair. He was getting aggravated. "I'm not overprotective–"

Meanwhile, Aizawa was staying calm as he put his hands up in defense. "Don't get me wrong. Being overprotective isn't a bad thing. But, it is when you come down to your child's school just because their mentor didn't answer your email."

Aizawa kept pressing, "Does he even know that you're here?"

"He doesn't need to." Hajime was bouncing his leg up and down.

The homeroom bell rung. Now, that's just great. Time to get this over with.

"Now, ask yourself this. If your son knew that you were here at the school being all pissy because of an empty threat I said to him yesterday, will he be happy? I'm just wondering, because it seems to be working you up more than it is him." Aizawa ended with that. He then turnt around walking to leave Nezu's office.

The man stopped when a hand suddenly grabbed his shoulder pulling him with brute force. Aizawa didn't have time to react before a fist was thrown at his jaw. Another fist was coming, but he blocked that one with his catlike reflexes. He pushed Hajime away from him, knowing it was against that law and unprofessional to fight with a civilian, especially on school grounds. That's probably why Hajime used it to his advantage, because he knew Aizawa couldn't hit back.

Nezu decided that he'll play spectator until he feels like he should intervene.

Aizawa felt the bruise that was slowly forming on his jaw. He closed his eyes tight, taking a deep breath. He then opened his eyes looking straight into Hajime's. "Look, I don't get why you're upset. I don't know if you hold a personal grudge against me. I don't know what your deal was that you just had to attack me. But, ever try that agai—"

"Just shut up!" Hajime point an angry finger at him. "I'm upset, because you're taking my son away from me. He really looks up to you, but then you threaten him!? You're so lucky that he is taking up for you. He told me that's how you are with everyone! But I can't help but to get a little jealous when I spend time with my son after long hours of work just to hear him talk about you! So, you're right! I do hold a personal grudge against you. You just make me so sick and I hate that! I know you mean no harm, but please stop taking my son away from me."

The room was so quiet that you could hear a pen drop. The only noise in the room was Hajime's angry panting. The two men were glaring at each other

"Gentlemen, please calm down." Nezu said in his polite, calm voice. He still wore the smile he always held.

Hajime bowed at Nezu, apologetically mumbling a sorry. Aizawa looked at Hajime as he did so.

Hajime walked over to his chair, never making eye contact with Aizawa even once. After everything that he confessed, Hajime felt embarrassed. Aizawa on the other hand felt guilt.

"Aizawa, head to your class. I got this from here."

Aizawa bowed at Nezu, "Yes sir."

Before he could get his hand on the handle of the door Nezu's voice stopped him. "But I will be talking to you later."


Aizawa then walked out of the office, walking the hallway to pick up his stuff from the teachers lounge, so he could go to his students. Aizawa got into the lounge. No one was in there, that was logical, considering classes just started 10 minutes ago. He picked up his folder, leaving his sleeping bag in the room. He left, making sure to close the door behind him.

But, on the way to his class he crossed paths with Shinso. "Mr. Aizawa." The man heard the kid call his name. He didn't acknowledge him, he didn't look at him, he just kept walking forward. It pained him. He closed his eyes tightly when Shinso called his name a second time, the kid sounded unsure. If I keep this up, hopefully, Shinso wouldn't want to look up to me anymore.

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