Chapter 5

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After the movies, the Shinso family made it to their house. They were now sitting at their dinner table eating their food silently, until Hitoshi's mother spoke up.

"So, Toshi." She paused stirring around her food. "Mind telling me why Mr. Aizawa ended your training session early?"

Hitoshi looked up from his plate of Soba at his mother's question. Damn it. I thought they would've forgotten already. The teen thought to himself. "We sorta got into an argument..."

Hajime and Mihoko gave their son a look. He looked back down at his plate, scratching the back of his neck nervously.

Hitoshi played with his Soba, constantly moving it around his chopsticks. "Please don't get mad..."

"Just tell us." His mother said moving her plate to the side, as his father kept his eyes trained on his son.

"Mr. Aizawa got upset, because I haven't been bringing my inhaler to our training sessions"

After the boy said that, it was quite. His father furrowed his eyebrows in confusion at what his son just said, but kept silent, as his wife began to speak.

The female of the household folded her arms in a sassy manner. "And why's that?"

Hitoshi shrugged his shoulders.

"Answer me, stop being ru—"

Hajime cut off his wife, not in a rude manner. More of an, 'I think that's enough' type of meaning.

"Guys, you know it's not everyday I get to eat dinner with you two. Let's leave it alone." He then looked at his son. "For now." Hitoshi looked down in guilt. While Hitoshi had his head down, the man looked over to his wife and whispered in her ear. "I'll talk to him about it later."

Hajime wasn't mad. He already planned on talking to his son about it after dinner. He just wanted to enjoy a nice dinner with his family, since he barley spends time with them. An argument during dinner was not something he wanted right now. Especially between the two people he loved the most.

Hitoshi stood up with his half eaten plate in his hands. He had lost his appetite. "I-i'm sorry, I'm not really hungry anymore. Can I be excused?"

Hajime frowned at his son. "Yes, of course."

His parents eyes followed him as he walked to throw the rest of his food away. Before he dumped it, he stopped his actions at his mother's voice.

"Are you sure you ate enough?" Mihoko's voice laced with concern.

"Yeah." The boy just wanted to go in his room.

His mother stood up, walked over to her son and grabbed the plate from his hands.

"Well, just in case." Mihoko dug through the cabinets and grabbed a plastic wrap. "I'll wrap this up, so you can eat it later if you regain your appetite."

Hajime and Hitoshi watched the woman as she wrapped up the plate and set it down on the counter. The boy mumbled a quick thanks and went into his room.

Hitoshi laid down on his back staring at the ceiling. "You've got to learn how to be more responsible, and to take care of yourself". The kid understood that much. He really should've been bringing his inhaler, but he just feels like less of a hero with it. A hero who needs help breathing? Who are you kidding? Hitoshi scoffed and thought about his encounter with his mentor some more.

The part that hurt him was when Aizawa threatened to prevent him from going into the hero course. It's so crazy. Something that Hitoshi worked hard for could be simply swept from under him in a second, and that scared him. "I'll prevent you from going into the hero course." Those words coming from Aizawa made him feel that he was now on eggsh—

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