Chapter 2 [rewrite]

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[ Delia ]

Walking into the southern wing I was met with a stench of vomit so repulsing I had to force myself not to turn around and leave.

Scanning the room I found mostly adults, with a few younger looking citizens and a handful of children. They all were seated on the edges of the hallway, leaving just enough space for two people to walk side by side.

Their faces ranged from green to somewhat purple. Overall they looked extremely sick, though not in pain.

"What can I do to help?" I asked turning towards Mavis.

"Healing magic, preferably holy healing magic. That seems to work the best." Mavis replied

"Alright... What about you? You don't know healing magic." I stated taking another look at the ill.

"I'm helping mother, and Levy to fix the crops." She said patting my shoulder, "They'll be alright. Just do what you can."

"Ok, bye Mavis." I finished giving her a short hug.

"Bye, sis."


Hours past and the completion never ending line seems to be achievable. "There couldn't be more than 100 left," I thought to myself as I peered down the hallway.

Another wave of exhaustion swept through me. This marks the 5th one this hour. The extensive amount of magic use, mixed with the fact that I didn't get a good rest earlier, led me to be completely and totally exhausted.

That's all I seem to feel this last 2 days. Hopefully I'd get a break soon though. My body is clearly begging for a break.

Continuing down the line, I began to feel the slightest sign of a headache. Which grew into a minor headache, which grew into a massive headache, which continued to grow until I couldn't bare it anymore.

Sending an apologetic smile to the middle aged lady infront of me, I stopped mid spell and slowly stood up.

"I-I'll, be right back. Sorry for those who waited so long." I stuttered looking where I think the people stood.

Inching towards the exit my condition only became worse. My vision now blurry, my head along with the walls started to spin. My knees trembled and I was slightly afraid that I would fall down.?Sweat dropped off my fingers and forehead.

Just as I felt myself beginning to fall the door to the hall swung open. I couldn't quite catch the figure who opened it though, as my eyes were already closing, and my weak body falling to the ground with a thud.


My eyes fluttered open as my senses slowly returned to me. I slowly moved my head and was surprised when I didn't see southern hall.

"W-where am I?" My voice came out more raspy then expected. I waited a second almost expecting a reply. Which didn't make sense as the room seemed empty.

Slowly I pulled myself up into a sitting position, immediately regretting it as the throbbing pain in my head grew.

A sound somewhere between a grunt and a sigh left my mouth, at that same moment the door swung open.

Looking up I saw a man around my age, he had chocolate brown hair that was light at the ends and darker in the middle. His skin was tan, but on the lighter side. And his face was chiseled. Not to mention his eyes a gorgeous shade of green, around the shade as the grass.

I couldn't help but stare, I'd be lying if I said he wasn't attractive.

"How's you head?" His voice sounded deep and husky, which I will admit made him even more attractive.

"In pain." I admitted still keeping eye contact.

"Drink some water is should help." He said pouring me a cup.

"Thank you..." I trailed off not knowing a name for the face.

"Aspen, Aspen Williams." He said sending a small smile my way.

"Thank you Aspen." I repeated returning his smile.

"If you wondering, your in the west hall infirmary. I brought you here after you fainted." He said sitting in the chair next to my bed.

"Oh, thank you." I said not really knowing what else to say.

"No problem just doing my job," He said smiling at me again. I sent him a confused looked not quite understanding what he was saying, "my apologies, I forgot you weren't here for the war... as I said before I'm Aspen Mattius Williams, the royal's personal medic."

Sorry it took me so long. I've kinda been neglecting my duties as a writer XD. Hopefully more updates soon. If you like this chapter and want me to continue make sure to vote!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2019 ⏰

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Kingdom of Lies ~ Stinglu fanfic Book 2Where stories live. Discover now