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5 year later...

-Kouan: The Abandoned Woods-

3rd Pov

"Akira? Akira?" Kamui's voice echoed. "Where are you? We're going to be late for the wedding!" He looked around the forests, dense with tall trees covered by heavy leaves. He took a deep breath in, hoping to inhale clean air but only to choke when the only pungent smell burns his nostrils.

"I guess you can't really find clean air in Kouan, huh?" he mumbled, cringing to the slight stinging pain.

"Of course you can't. Kouan only has rotten earth and rotten water. The air is probably poisonous too if you stayed here for a long time."

Kamui faced to where the voice could be heard, "Even if so, what are you doing here then, princess?"

She giggled, jumping down from the living concrete. "I just thought of stopping by for some fresh air after a long mission. Let me breathe a little." she sighed.

"Yea, breathe in the shit smelling air? Totally fresh," he retorted sarcastically, causing her to roll her eyes.

"You know damn well I can handle the air here. I'm resistant to poisons and toxin. You don't have to worry about anything, darling."

"In fact, I do need to worry, honey. Not for you though. You're fully capable of staying safe. But..." he gently rests his hand against her abdomen. "...I'm a lil worried for the little one in you."

She smiled sweetly at his gesture. Remembering what happened a few months ago, she chuckled. Kamui gave her a questioning look. "Do you remember when I told you I was pregnant?" 


The two decided to tie a knot two years ago. Despite being married, they still live their lives as pirates and/or mercenaries-for-hire. Wanting to have easy access for their jobs and for safety reasons like blending in with other outlaws to avoid getting into fights with some pirates who have a grudge on them, they bought a house at Rakuyo. 

Akira and Kamui went their own ways  as the commander of a bunch of space pirates who need to find enough money for everyone in his division to eat, and a mercenary who takes in various jobs from her clients — after the Kimon case had solved. 

Of course, occasionally Akira would tag along with him for a job, vice versa. When she's not going anywhere, she waits for Kamui back at home, ready to welcome him back after a long mission. One of the days, Kamui came back after being gone for two weeks for a job with Abuto and his 7th Division. 

Opening the door with a soft creek, he called out, "I'm home. Akira, are you here?" No one answered. "I guess no one," he pouted slightly at how she wasn't there to welcome him back home.

He shut the door and sat at the steps, taking off his boots. "Maybe she went to get some food," he mumbled to himself as he walks in their apartment. Looking around, he smiled to himself. A cosy apartment to live with his wife, and maybe have a kid or two. A few years ago, if you told him he was going to get married and live a happy life, he would probably stab an arm through your chest, annoyed at the thought of being weaker for holding onto such 'useless' bonds. 

He was about to walk to the kitchen to get a cup of water when suddenly he heard tapping sound of a familiar someone's feet that gradually became louder as it got closer. A chant could be heard. "KAMUI KAMUI KAMUI KAMUI!" His wife leapt into his arms. Kamui stumbled backwards but managed to get a hold of himself as he returned the hug.

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