4. A Mark of Misunderstandings

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"Hey Uraraka, is that a hickey?" Todoroki asked Ochako as she drowsily stepped into the common area. It was early in the morning for the two and Ochako couldn't get enough sleep. She was lost in thought at the events that went on with Katsuki the night before. It was her first time doing something like that, and she never knew how skilled Katsuki was. Even though she had seen him in action months ago, she only realized then that Katsuki wasn't just skilled in hero activities.

"What?" She blushed at the blunt and concerning question as she touched the part of her neck where Todoroki gestured to. There was a very slight pain on the strange spot she touched and ran to a nearby mirror to check it out. To Ochako's surprise, there laid two dark marks near the center of her neck.


*Last night*

"Katsuki! It's so good," Ochako complimented as she chewed. "Give me more."

"No this is our fucking dinner. I only gave you a piece to see if it tastes good or not." The boy responded to her as he pushed the plate away from her. The plate contained chopped-up cubes of fried potatoes, cooked by the one and only: Bakugou Katsuki. It was a delight to eat something simple that wasn't instant noodles bought from the convenience store. Katsuki continued to chop the fresh potatoes on a cutting board, and he tossed the pieces into a frying pan filled with vegetable oil. Ochako observed his hands as they moved from one place to another with such careful movements, until she wanted to try.

"Can I try? It looks fun." Ochako's eyes gleamed as she widened her eyes at him, looking like a puppy, hoping he would say yes.

"...Fine. But just be careful. Don't burn yourself."

Ochako happily took the frying utensil he was holding and stood a bit too close to the pan. She picked up the chopped potatoes and brought it towards the frying pan. With too much force, she accidentally chucked the pieces into the oil, and drops of the burning liquid splashed towards her face, landing onto her neck. She shrieked from the few seconds of burning pain until most of it slowly dissipated under the coolness of the air surrounding them.

"Shit! Cheeks, be more fucking careful next time dammit!" Katsuki shouted as he turned off the flame of the stove and held a small towel under the faucet's cold water. He twisted it, letting the water fall out, and placed the towel on Ochako's burn, gently wiping away the remaining oil. "Let me get some ice."

Katsuki made his way to the freezer while Ochako just stood there, feeling disappointed in herself for doing something so stupid and having Katsuki clean up the mess she created. She didn't want to be a burden. She knew she was more than capable of taking care of herself, but she did enjoy watching Katsuki scramble around in order to help the pain that subsided within the burn.

He came back to see her standing in the same spot, with her back facing him. He held the ice pack in his right hand and gently hugged her from behind, holding the pack onto her neck. With his available hand, he held onto one of hers and stroked his thumb against her knuckles in a comforting manner. Ochako felt the warmth close around her body, the back of her head against his chest, rising and falling, and his overwhelming scent filling up her nose once again. Katsuki let his head fall on top of hers, his chin resting in between the strands of brown hair.

"I'm sorry..." She whispered.

"What are you fucking sorry about? I'm the one who should have helped you." He mumbled the last part softly into her hair and Ochako tightened the grip of her hand in his, as if the hug lasted for centuries. She felt as if the whole world was comforting and supporting her from one simple back-hug, lifting her up from whatever was weighing her down.


Ochako needed to do something about the obvious burn on her neck. Even though she wondered how Todoroki couldn't recognize a cooking burn, it wasn't very helpful knowing that her classmates were suspicious of her and Katsuki, so she needed some sort of bandage to cover it up.

Except it was a bit too late.

Mina sluggishly stumbled into the common area with sleepy eyes. She yawned and stretched as she walked, until she saw Ochako. Mina's drowsiness escaped her body, gaining enough energy to run towards her friend and embrace her in a clingy hug.

"Ochako! I wanted to hang out with you last night but you weren't in your room. Where were you? I was pretty worried." She let go instantly and awaited Ochako for her answer, but her eyes started to wander towards her neck.

"I, um,...was with-"

"No way! Ochako is that a hickey!?" Mina screeched as she spotted the dark burns on her neck. "Who's the special someone? Is it Bakug-"

"N-No! It's nothing like that!" Ochako cut her off with a flustered face. Her skin alteration of color went from pale to crimson due to Mina's unnecessary comment, and drops of nervous sweat emerged from the skin of her forehead.

Seriously, what's with these people and hickeys?

"Hm, alright then. If you say so, haha," Mina responded, sounding like an all-knowing mother towards her daughter who committed the act of secret dating. "Raises eyebrows aggressively."

"Please stop. Was it really necessary to say that out-loud?"

Seconds later, Katsuki trudged into room where Mina and Ochako stood. Mina started to raise her eyebrows as aggressively as possible towards Ochako. She received a small slap on the arm because of it. Right as Katsuki sat down, Kirishima strolled into the room with confidence beaming from his face as he approached Katsuki.

"Yo! Dude! Where were you last night? I was banging at your door and you weren't there. Not literally though. What's up?"

Mina glanced at Ochako and gave her the look. The look that said "now what were you saying". One eyebrow up and a grin across her face, Mina started to figure out the situation. She stepped into the conversation.

"Hm? What is this? Ochako and Bakugou were not in their rooms at the same time while everyone should have been asleep? Hm...that seems pretty suspicious. Right, Eijiro?" Mina spoke as clearly and as slowly as possible. Kirishima began to catch on to what she was doing. He soon noticed the dark spots on Ochako's neck.

A smirk.

"Yeah, what's with this? Uraraka suddenly has a hickey and looks more tired than usual. Bakugou looks like he didn't get any sleep at all," Kirishima supported Mina's argument. "Is there something going on here?"


"Yes, idiots."

Everyone in the room turned their heads towards Katsuki, even Todoroki a few feet away. He sat on the couch, irritation visibly shown across his face. His glare was sharp as he stared at everyone, including Ochako.

"There is something going on," Katsuki spoke with a clear voice, his gaze unfaltering. He did not hesitate; he did not stutter. He knew what he was saying and understood the consequences that would come after. He spoke with a mind unclouded.

"We're fucking dating, assholes."

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