9. Doors Unlocked

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"3:40 a.m." The clock read.

Ochako sat up from the bed, releasing herself from Katsuki's embrace. She needed to use the bathroom but didn't want to leave her boyfriend's side. Hopping off the mattress silently, she half-walked and half-floated herself as she made her way to the shared washroom of the dorm. Ochako kept thinking about the tears that fell down Katsuki's face, trying to comprehend what actually happened. She understood that no one deserves to go through all that, especially a teenage boy who is still developing himself. 

The dimmed halls were silent and still as Ochako made her way to the washroom. Afraid something might attack her, she quickened her pace but tried her best to be as silent as possible. She reached the washroom, did her business, and swiftly passed her classmates' doors as she tip-toed back to her room.  

Before she reached her door, she felt rumbling, and a sense of worry spread throughout her face. Ochako heard a loud thud and a grunt as she ran to the door and yanked it open. Her eyes immediately turned to Katsuki, who was lying on the floor. His eyes were wide open, with his shirt drenched with sweat, and the sound of heavy breathing filled the room. The sheets from Ochako's bed were in a tangled mess, and the blanket he was using was covered with burnt holes. The small coffee table that used to be in the middle of the room was flipped to it's side with a leg snapped off. Her desk was impacted the most, where half the table was shattered into pieces, and there were black explosion marks visible on her drawers. 

"Holy shit." Ochako ran towards Katsuki as he attempted to sit up from the floor, failing miserably, and embraced him. She felt him tremble as he hesitated to wrap his arms around her once again. In fear of hurting her, Katsuki clenched his hands into fists and dug his head into her shoulder. 

"That fucking hand. That fucking smile of a creep. Of all days, why the hell is he haunting me now."

"I'm not sure why, Katsuki." Ochako whispered as she hugged him tighter. "But just know that I'm here with you, okay?"

Katsuki buried his face even more into her neck and slightly nodded. He hated the fact that these thoughts were overwhelming him and he just felt so helpless.

"Come on." Ochako gestured to her bed. "We'll handle this tomorrow. Let's just get some sleep and I promise that I won't leave your side."

Supporting each other's weight, the two stepped into Ochako's bed, and covered themselves with the remaining blankets. Katsuki held Ochako close in his arms and took a deep inhale of her scent, a sign of affection that his mother has always done when he was little. Through the light darkness, she saw a grin appear on his face.


Oh, fuck.

Ochako wiggled her way out of Katsuki's arms and jumped out of her bed. Panic rose through her as she read the clock.

The two of them were late. Very late. 

Ochako gently smacked Katsuki's arm so that he would be annoyed enough to get up. He annoyingly refused. Ochako gave up and ran to her chipped drawers, yanking her uniform pieces out. Realization hit her once she slammed her drawers closed; her room was a mess. Sighing in frustration, she pushed that thought away and focused on the main problem.


"Katsuki! We have to go. Now! Or else I'll drag you out mysel-" 

Ochako was interrupted with three knocks to her door. The couple turned to the source of the noise, eyes widened, and awaited for a voice to start speaking behind the wood. Ochako's eyes went straight for the handle's lock. It wasn't locked.

They were doomed.

"Ochako?" It was Momo's voice. Ochako was a bit relieved. She trusted Momo enough that she wouldn't snitch about their relationship. "I was sent to see if you're alright." 

Ochako tried to run to the lock but Momo opened it right before Ochako touched the handle. The two of them jumped back in surprise and as the door between them was left ajar. But that smile soon disappeared once her eyes caught a glimpse of a shadow.

"Um, Ochako, do you have a pet? I just saw something move in your room," she pushed on the door gently, exposing more of Ochako's room through the widened crack. "I'm pretty sure we're not allowed to have pets living with us-"

"Ah, um, well, I actually do have a pet but I don't think you'll like it," Ochako lied terribly. "You should get back to class now. I'll get ready."

Of course, Momo was smart enough yo know she was lying, so she slammed the door wide open, exposing the "pet" Ochako was hiding.

Bakugou Katsuki.

"Bakugou?! What are you doing here? Why is the room so messed up? What happened to your desk?! Kirishima was sent to check on Bakugou but...wait...are you guys...did you guys...?" She gestured to both of us and soon the wheels in her mind started cranking. "Oh my, I knew it! But I didn't think you guys were...serious. Wow. So aggressive."

"Well you know what? We actually fucking are." Katsuki was extremely bothered by this unexpected visit and his face looked worn out by last night's situation. That incident last night taught something to Ochako; it gave her a small reminder, the reminder that Katsuki was also a regular person, a person who strived for the top.

"Um, Momo? We'll be at class as quickly as possible so don't worry! I'm going to get changed now." Ochako was hoping Momo got the message to leave. She definitely did not want this conversation to continue. 

"Oh, yes, of course. I'll take my leave now. I'll see you two in class, and I'll try my best to prevent Iida from murdering you both." She smiled, closed the door, and made her way back to class. 

There was something Ochako was missing. Why didn't Momo just call them? Why did she waste her time to walk all the way back to the dorms? Ochako ran to the door and opened it. Momo was still in sight so she called out to her, gaining her attention.

"Momo, why didn't you just call? Why did you walk," Ochako looked down to see Momo wearing roller-skates on her feet. "or skate all the way here?"

Momo grinned. 

"I wanted to see it for myself. I wanted to see if I was right." She wore a face, a face saying that she knows everything now. "Oh and I'll help make you new furniture later, and a box of...you know." Momo smirked, turned around, and rolled her way out.



*Hi guys! Sorry for the long wait. Thanks for being patient with me!*

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