Chapter 1 : A lament

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My knees pressed against the damp dirt of the grave as I held onto the cold stone . My attention glued to him with a cold and focused stare .

He spilled his feelings into this song of loneliness and empty feelings . I felt ashamed . My job was to make him happy and here he was in this emotional strung swirl .

The moon took his silhouette as he almost floated down the hill with his elegance at hand . Zero following loyally , softly lighting his steps with an orange glow .

I need to fix this

Without a word I stood and brushed the leaves off my skirt and took a quick glance at Sally .
She was missing a whole arm .
" again " I asked softly as she stuffed more of her fall leaves into the hold.  She only nodded.
I sighed . What was I going to do with this girl ?
" you should really carry a spare " I mumbled taking out my spare thread and gently holding her shoulder. 
" I try but its alot to carry "
Was all she said as I closed the gap temporarily. 
" well , I hope that helps for now "

Taking my leave I followed quickly after Jack . I wasn't going to let him just wander off .

" Jack " I called hoping he would hear me as I clutched the hold of my bag too keep it from bouncing.  When I realized I had disobeyed his order ...
He had told me to go home .
I stopped . But it was too late... Zero had already heard me and was yipping happily. 

He turned , I cringed. 
" Ell " he asked coming over to me with a stern look .
I blushed in embarrassment.  I made the wrong move . I guess I'm not as smooth as I had thought. 
" I thought I had told you to go home " he said almost amused but still stern .

I nodded " You did but ...I was worried so I ...I ..."
He was smiling .
" uh ..."
" Ella , I appreciate the thought but the town will riot if we're both gone "
I almost rolled my eyes .
" But my job is to help you , not the town " I softly reminded. 
He grinned. 
" If you insist , I guess I could use the company "
He took my arm , politely putting it looped with his .
This didn't last long however as he quickly went back to thinking.  I stayed back a few paces to allow him his space .

" Ella " he suddenly asked .
" yes " I asked quick to his aid . " did you hear all that "
I was guessing he meant his song.  I nodded .
He gave me a look I couldn't quite read then went back to thinking .
I again cringed at myself . I am stupid .

Soon we had began walking into dawn . I almost thought Jack had fallen asleep while walking when he abruptly asked where we were .
But before I could answer a smile came to his face , " Its someplace new "

I quickly caught up to him , where he waved me forward to come see .
Some odd looking trees ?
In a circle these trees had objects displayed upon them with small items at the base .
We stood back to back looking at them all ...I tilted a brow at a red , heart shaped door wondering what that could be when suddenly Jack gasped .

I turned.  He had this gaze of pure joy , excitement, and curiosity .
I watched his hand reach for this tree shaped door and turn a golden knob. 

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