Chapter 2 : Mistletoe

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I took his hand almost panicked as a cold wind surrounded us pulling him towards the open door . Try as I might to pull him back I was weak to the gravity and pulling of the frosty winds . Peppermint filled my senses and a nip of snow touched my skin .

As I pondered . Loosing my focus for just a moment the Skeleton was stronger than I , I was only pulled by his weight , toppling onto his chest as we fell .

A blue and white surrounded us as snowflakes of crystal design and the smell of vanilla , pine trees , and peppermint filled the air . I scrambled for my bag as it lifted off my shoulder with clawing fingers making sure it was closed ! All my data , my information and my tips would be lost if I had lost that bag !

Apprentice tip #45 : always collect data and information for the master that may come in handy later.

To my sudden surprise I had landed in and on something exceedingly cold , and hard. considered I was only wearing a light cardigan ( a tattered one at that )  to protect me from any Chilled autumn winds in halloween town I found myself quite cold. This was when I realized I had also landed on top of Jack ...

I blushed quickly shoving off of him as he gently set me down. " s-sorry..." but he didn't seem to hear me . I raised a brow at him . He was completely distracted -

  His eyes fixed on the town below us .
Oh no .
I knew that look .
But we weren't supposed to be here. 
" Jack " I asked in a slightly concerned voice.  touching his shoulder as he stood tall. By now I turned as well to the town of color .

What a happy sight ! So warm and cozy yet filled with frost and pine. I quickly began to scribble down descriptions in my journal . How amazing ! How wonderful ! This place was so - so - I couldn't find the right words but it was truly something different .

Quickly I pulled my Polaroid from my bag taking multiple shots as Jack seemed to wander without my knowledge.  It was only when I snapped a picture of him , himself in a snowman that I realized he had left me .

Scrambling off my knees I followed as he joyfully sang . I continued to snap pictures and scribble down whatever data I could in the pages of my book . My usual anxiety seemed to be replaced with curiosity as I wandered with my master.

Jack was all but ecstatic as he ran around almost terrorizing the town. 
I figured he knew what he was doing as I came to pleasant looking shop ...while the decor was so different from our lovely halloween town I couldn't help but smile as I looked in the window taking in the scent of the cakes and pies that glistened with soft glaze and warm sugars.

Creams and batters , cinnamon , gingerbread , chocolate and vanilla , even butterscotch it all looked delicious . Quickly I snapped a photo of the cookies and cakes pasting the picture in my pages ...

Taking a turn I found that Jack was still ranting ...I couldn't help but giggle...Slowly I entered the shop. Such a warm place ...yet no one was in . They must have forgot to lock the door .

I wanted to horribly to try one of these pastries ...maybe just one ? I dug into my bag hoping I had some coin left ? Ah ! Yes I did !

Being as quiet and peaceful as I could I laid 50 pumpkin coins on the countertop . They shimmered in the dancing lights that spilled in from outside . I looked around.  Which one would I take ? I left enough to take two . One for me and one for Jack . Hmm ...

That was when my eyes settled on a display .
Christmas recipes for warming your holiday

It was a book ! I felt something in me . Something tingley.  I smiled brightly. I had left just enough to take it. Quickly with gentle hands I grabbed the bright book and tucked it deep in my bag , making sure it was safe .

Turning to leave I grabbed two cookies with green frosting and red sprinkles.  They were still warm. My mouth watered and my fangs throbbed ever so slightly. 

" Jack " I called looking around the snowy town . " hey where did you-" I was cut short by a loud " WHAT IS THIS -"

I cringed , he had slammed straight into a pole . I couldn't help but roll my eyes in amusement before dashing over in concern. " Jack ! Are you ok " I asked as he shook himself of the snow .

" christmas town ...hmmm "

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2020 ⏰

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