Chapter 2

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Jennie's POV

After I pulled the beauty I met awhile ago to the garden that I only know, we just stayed there for an hour or so. Not knowing what to say to each other after I hastily made this decision and hell do I regret it.

I then decided to break the awkward silence.

"Uh... tell me more about yourself, Jisoo-yah." I stated.
She looked at me with those chocolate brown eyes. Then she smiled. I felt hot in my face all of a sudden.

What the hell is happening to me?!

I felt my heart pumping abnormally fast.

"You alright, Jen? Your face is red. Are you sick?" She said worriedly. Shifting her body to properly face me.

"Y-yeah I'm fine." I stuttered while fanning myself with my hands.

She chuckled, "Your so cute." She said while pinching my cheek. That made me blush more.

I can't take this anymore!

"Jisoo-yah, will you be my girl friend?" I asked nervously, still a little flustered.

She looked at me questioningly. As if telling me "Why all of a sudden?" That look totally didn't make me feel more embarrassed as I am. I've never actually asked people to befriend me. It's the other way around.

When I was about ti take back what I said, she smiled warmly.

"Sure, why not?" She said. I smiled like a kid that got her favorite toy from a crane game. That game is impossible I tell ya.

"Can I ask you a favor, though?" She asked. Looking shy all of a sudden that I found really cute.

"Yeah." I answered.

"Can you not tell anyone about who I really am? I don't really like that much attention."

Why wouldn't she want attention, I mean it's like the best thing.

But I understood her and nodded. "Thanks." She said relieved.


We just waited until it was lunchtime. Because we were obviously late. My fault obviously but to my relief, she didn't look mad.

We talked more about ourselves and then I just found out that we have a few things in common.

Then the bell rang and we got up to go to the canteen when I heard... Lisa, my best friend.

"Where the hell were you, Unnie?!" She said shouting through the thick crowd. Fucking hell, her voice just gets louder and louder by the second.

"I can explain..."

Before I could say anything, she passed by me and examined Jisoo who was behind me. Way to go Manoban, she might think I have crazy people for friends.

Jisoo gave her a shy look and she suddenly grabbed me by my wrist and pulled me away from Jisoo.

"I'll see you at the canteen, yeah?" I questioned, sort of shouting because we're sorta far away from Jisoo now. She nodded and smiled.

Damn it, her smile gives butterflies to my stomach.

Then suddenly, Lisa stopped. I pulled away from her grip. Then gave her a 'what-the-heck-do-you-want' look.

"Who on earth was she?" She started.

"A friend of mine." I answered nonchalantly while checking my nails out. Getting impatient over this whatever.

"A friend, really? You were looking at her like there was no tomorrow." She said and that made my eyes widen.

"I'm serious, she's just a friend." I said reassuring her.

"Whatever you say, but only people with eyes can see that you like her." She said while smirking.

"I only met her this morning, dumbass." I simply rolled my eyes and made my way to the canteen which was abruptly full.

"It's like in first sight then." She said while giggling. Following me from behind and smiling like an idiot.

Is she high?

I smacked her shoulder slowly then she reacted like she was hurt by it. I then rolled my eyes. Not caring anymore.


Jisoo's POV

When I saw them disappear, I felt lonely. I don't know why though. Maybe it's because I'm not talking to anyone.

Or maybe because that girl dragged Jennie away from you.

Oh shut up, conscience. Your not helping. I then felt a pair of hands covering my sight.

"Guess who?" The person said challengingly. I smirked then grabbed her arms and pinned her down.

I do a little martial arts. Ok a lot, but ya know for self-defence.

She shrieked in pain and said, "All right. All right. You win Unnie." I let go of her and helped her up. She had this pout on her fave that only made me want to pinch her cheeks.

"You should've known better than to challenge me, Chaeng."

"I wasn't ready yet and you also train all types of martial arts." She said while crossing her arms and pouting.

"I only know a few." Speaking in a 'as-a-matter-of-fact' tone.

She then rolled her eyes and hooked her arms in mine and led the way to the canteen. When we arrived, the canteen was packed with students. I then saw Jennie, and the blonde girl who pulled her away awhile ago, wave at us and signaling us to sit with them.

I then dragged Chae to where they were sitting and sat down.

We ordered our food. Not wanting to starve any longer. Well, Jennie insisted on paying but I ran to the counter and payed quickly. She just sighed in defeat and carried our trays to our table.

"I guess, you payed?" Chaeng asked.

I nodded and sat down beside her. She just chuckled and shook her head. I gave her a 'what's-the-matter?' look. She just laughed harder. And now I am convinced that she is crazy.

I gave her a confused look and said, "Why the fuck are you laughing?"

"Y-you sh-should've se-en the cashier's face when she saw how much you payed, PRICELESS!!" She then continued laughing while holding her stomach.

"It was only 500,000 won." I said confused.

"You payed that much?!" I heard Jennie shout a little.

"It isn't that much." I said, shrugging.

"Simple for you to say, your the daughter of the most richest man in the world." She said.

I then shot her a glare. And when she realized what she said, she covered her mouth and apologized repeatedly.

Gladly only Lisa heard, only she is totally shock right now.

"Y-your K-kim J-jisoo?..." She tries to say it un-shocked but fails.

"Let's talk about this later."


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