Chapter 11

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Jennie's POV

After all the ruckus of Jisoo getting mad at Chaeyoung and such, we finally agreed to go back to her house already.

"This day was pretty amazing." Lisa slumps onto the couch with a wide smile on her face. Soon enough, her eyes were closed and her mouth hung open.

"And I almost ruined it." Chae says guiltily. Her expression says it all actually. I shook my head then patted hers.

"Hey, you didn't ruin it. Well, Lisa mostly enjoyed doing CPR with you."

By hearing her name, Lisa immediately shot yo from the couch. The two maknaes gently slapped my arms with blushing faces. I then saw Jisoo spacing out while holding a glass of water. I'm afraid she'll drop it because of that weak grip of hers.

"Chu, you alright?"

"Yeah... fine." She says in a low voice. A timid one to be exact.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, just... I think I scared Chaeng earlier." She then gulps the entire cup of water. Gladly, she didn't choke herself or I would be the one doing CPR on her.

"You were just worried. Don't worry, she forgives you." I told her and gave her my signature gummy smile. She gladly smiles back.


Ding Dong...

"Who could that be?" Lisa gives her attention to the door.
"Did you invite anyone, unnie?"

We cluelessly looked at each other then at Jisoo. She then thinks for a second and her eyes widen before smiling very widely, I thought her lips will rip in half.  She runs quickly to the door and greets the unknown person.

"NAYEONIE!" She exclaims joyfully before hugging the Nayeon girl with all her might. She simply shows that much affection on someone, huh?

Oh her.

"Nayeon unnie, when did you get here?" Chae asked as a smile was also plastered on her face. A genuine and a fake one mixed together. I don't know anymore.

I'm being delusional.

"Nice to see you, chipmunk." She happily hugs Chaeng.

"I told you to not call me that." Chaeng pouts but later on higs back just as much strength as Jisoo did. They're really close to say the least.

She finally notices me and Lisa's presence. "Who are they?" She asked. Coldness evident in every tone.

Wow... so friendly.

She checks us up from head to toe. Inspecting us in the lost uncomfortable way as possible. After that, she looks at me with a cold expression.

What's wrong with this bitch?

"They're friends of ours." Chaeng suddenly butts in to ease the tension surrounding me and her. And I thank the giant for that.

"This is Lisa." Chae wraps her arm around Lisa's shoulder making the younger girl blush a little at the gesture. Psh. So obvious.

"And this is Jennie." Jisoo wraps her arm around my waist, pulling me closer to her. And I didn't mind one bit.

Oh my holy fuck! Does she know personal space?

"I see..." She pats her finger onto her chin. "Nice to meet you two!" She smiled at me and Lisa as if she wasn't eyeing me like I was some nasty creature in her eyes, and brings her arms out to handshake us. We accepted the offer unwillingly.

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