Chapter 9

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Jisoo's POV

"Damn it, I feel so lonely and bored right now."

I just shook my head and took deep breaths. Boredom surely kills you. I looked on my read view mirrors and smiled when three cars followed me from behind. Which was Jennie, Chae, and Lisa's. Obviously. I stopped the car when the lights turned red. But to my surprise Jennie's car was still going.

Does she even know how to stop?

My eyes widened when I saw another car coming. I was about to warn the other car but then realized that I was still inside the car. I cursed myself for being utterly stupid right now.

Obviously, they hit each other and caused an accident. I didn't waste any more time watching the scene and quickly ran out of the car and so did Lisa and Chaeng.

More people were going out of their car to see the commotion.
Some of them taking their phones out to video or take a picture of what's happening.

The driver of the car got out of the car and furiously knocked on Jennie's car window. But Jennie didn't open it. I mean like, why would she?

"Oi! You must pay for the damage of my car, you blind driver. Get the hell outta there and say sorry then maybe I'll let you slip!"

When he kept cussing on Jennie, I know from the inside of the car Jennie was scared or atleast nervous or maybe cursing herself for getting into this fucking mess.

I patted the man's shoulder to get his attention and transfer it to me and he turned around looking mad as hell. Why would he be this mad though? Like... his car is cheap and all.

"What the fuck do you want, huh?! Can't you see I'm in the middle of something here?!"

I gave him the most fakest smile I could muster and asked as calmly as possible because I might've punched his ugly face right now, "How much is your car, sir?"

"Eh?! Did I hear you right? You wanna buy my car?!" Does this guy think I'm deaf? Why does he keep shouting at me while asking a question? Gosh...

I chuckled, amused. "You heard that right."

"How can a college student like you afford this car?!" He points at his old class car. I examined it up and down, left and right, before facing him again with a face of pity.

"Well... I do own this and those cars over there." I pointed at Jennie's car and Mine, Chae's, and Lisa's car. His eyes widened because of the realization that he is talking to a rich kid right here and not someone he should be messing with.

"Is that so? Well then, it's about 30,000, Missy. Will you pay it in cash or card?" He smiles widely and excitedly. I scoffed at the change of mood. Awhile ago he was so mad but now he looks like he just won the lottery.

This bastard...

I smiled fakely and I swear my nerves were acting up. They were begging to punch that face of his so that toothy smile of his would disappear.

"Do you even know who the hell I am?" I asked with a menacing grin that clearly says, "Fuck you, bastard." and his expression changed almost instantly.

"Do I have to care who you are?" He crosses his arms and looks at me coldly. He even has the brains to do this? He should really get a new one before I knock the hell out of this shit head.

"Hm... I think you must."

"Hey, isn't that the daughter of Mr. Kim Jiyong?" Says one of the bystanders which made me smirk. I then faced him and his face was all sweaty and pale af. The guy's scared out of his shit right now and I can't help but laugh at his state.

"I-I'm sorry for my rudeness but I really have an important meeting to attend to." He kept on bowing to me as if that'll cover up his rudeness and whatever.

"If you actually had an important meeting. Shouldn't you be running towards your office and be in the meeting?"

He opened his mouth to answer but I cut him off. "And not be here arguing about how your old and cheap car broke?!"

"How dare you talk to me like that! I'm much more older than you!" He looked piss and here I am enjoying this useless argument. I have been pretty much been an ass but I don't care.

I just scoffed and answered him in a threatening tone and with a threatening or serious face, "Shouldn't you be talking to me like that? I can bring your company down in just one phone call, ya know."

"And who are you to do that?"

Did he just fucking forgot?!

I smirked and said, "Kim Jisoo. Daughter of Kim Jiyong. Were you even listening awhile ago?"

"P-please d-don't bring down the company I work in. My family needs money." He begged, tears rolling down his eyes.

"Your family must be really needy right now, huh?" I said in a serious tone. He nods his head frantically. "You better get to work then."

He got up and ran to his car as fast as he could and drove off faster than the speed of light. I walked to Jennie's car and knocked in the window. She immediately opened it.

"You okay?" I asked worriedly. Things could've gotten out of hand if it wasn't for my heroic act. Kidding aside, I should've at least paid the man awhile ago. He looked pretty pitiful.

"Somehow yes."

"That's good then. Let's get going and forget that this even happened." I ruffled her hair playfully before running away or I might get a beating from the lady.

I heard Lisa shooing people so that we could continue what we were supposed to do before this thing happened. And I thought today would be peaceful.

I'm really surprised that no one even called the officials yet. They must've enjoyed the show I gave them. But oh well, that's better 'cuz I don't wanna deal with them.

I again took the lead and have arrived in the eating place that we were supposed to be ages ago. I got out of the car and saw three mouths agape. I mean, we are infront of one of the most popular restaurant in Seoul. Other than Jin's resto of course.

"Close those mouths or else you'll swallow a fly."

"Funny Unnie. Funny." Chae says sarcastically mocked me.

"Let's go inside!" Lisa enthusiastically said before dragging all of us inside with those long arms of hers.

We sat on our reserved table and there was a waiter who immediately went to our table and listed our orders off. I have no idea but I think they ordered almost all the dishes on the menu. They didn't even care about me.


Not long after, our orders have arrived and the meal was enjoyable at its finest. Nothing went wrong except for everyone chocking because Lisa asked such an unnecessary question.

"So where we headed next?" Chaeyoung asked while wiping her lips after finishing her whole ass meal. Damn that girl, earning so much yet not gaining any weight.

"You'll see..."


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