Ch. 4

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Cat Noir shouted a whoop of joy as he sped off toward the North Star. There's no way she'll ever catch up. He raced off like a comet. He was a shooting star in the night sky. The wind hit his face with a pleasant sting, and his stomach dropped with every movement he made.

"Wooo!" He continued onward, and all his worries flew away until they were distant things of the past. Once he was close to the star he waited for the others. They reached him a few minutes later, and he flashed a wide toothy grin at Marinette.

"Beat you." He teased.

"Maybe you did this time, but next time I'm gonna win." Marinette grinned.

Cat Noir's grin faltered. He'd never seen this side of Marinette before. She's competitive.

Marinette turned to the others. "Okay guys, let's go. Let's hold hands, so we make sure we all make it through together." She grabbed on to John's hand, and her other hand grasped Cat Noir's. Michelle was holding John's other hand, and Tinker frowned from behind.

"Onward hoe!" Cat Noir led them to the second star to the right. The night sky slowly faded until the found themselves in a great fog, and the thick fog slowly dispersed until they were looking down at an island.

"Neverland." Marinette whispered. Cat Noir looked at her and smiled.

"The one and only, so where to now?"

"Well, in the story Peter takes Wendy to his hideout."

Cat Noir's eyes gleamed. "Cool, a secret hideout. Where is it?"

"Well, if I told you it wouldn't be a secret."

Cat Noir had no response for this. Marinette laughed.

"The great Kitty is speechless for once in his life! How does it feel?"


"I'm joking, Cat Noir. Relax. Okay, the hideout is a giant dead tree."

"Sounds glamorous." Cat Noir started looking down at the island. "There!" He said as he spotted it. "Come on mateys!"

"Peter's not a pirate you know." Marinette remarked. Cat Noir ignored her and flew down to the tree.

They landed, and Cat Noir reached for a stray vine. He pulled it, and a door opened. "Youngest first. Watch your step."

Marinette helped Michelle and John make their way into the hideout. Then she followed them in. Cat Noir was left alone with Tinker.

The little fairy angrily flashed his wings. "Why did you bring them here with us? We were just supposed to get the rest of the story." Tinker whined.

"You never stop complaining, do you?"

Tinker flashed his wings indignantly and flew through the door. Cat Noir let go of the vine and followed him in. The door closed slowly behind him. He slid down a slide and entered a brightly lit room. We must be underground. He saw Marinette and smiled at her. He trotted over.

"Nice place, isn't it?"

"Yeah. It..." She left the sentence hanging.

"It what?"

She blushed. "You're gonna think I'm silly."

"No, I won't. I promise."

She looked up at him with her large blue eyes. Then they left him to gaze at the room. "It's like a dream come true. I'm living a story from my childhood. It's... amazing."

Cat Noir turned his gaze to the room and tried to see it through her eyes. Hammocks swung in the corner, and there was a large chair on a wall. There were colorful rugs and tapestries, a long messy table, and buckets full of swords. It really is like walking in a fairy tale. Well, that's kinda what's happened.

Suddenly the ground started shaking, and many children ran into the hideout. Marinette laughed.

"It's the lost boys!"

"Peter's back!" One of the children shouted. They all lined up in front of Cat Noir.

"Hey guys!" Cat Noir smiled. He looked at the familiar faces. They're our friends from school. Nathaniel, Mylene, Ivan, Rose, Juleka, and Alix. They were all dressed in woodsy outfits, and they all had on a particular hat that made them stand out from the rest. Rose and Juleka's hats matched.

"Who's that, Peter?" Ivan asked.

"Oh, these are my friends. Wendy, John, and Michelle. They're gonna be staying with us now."

"Cool!" Rose said.

"Do you wanna introduce yourselves to them?" And me.

"Sure!" They chorused.

"I'm Tootles." Ivan said.

"I'm Curly." Mylene stated.

"We're the twins." Rose and Juleka chorused.

"I'm Slightly." Nathaniel whispered.

"I'm Nibs. I plan the battles!" Alix practically shouted.

"Nice to meet all of you." Marinette said. "Peter said he wanted me to be your Mother, is that alright with you guys?" What is she talking about? Cat Noir thought.

"Yeah!" The lost boys cheered, and Marinette smiled. "If you don't mind, Peter and I are going to go plan our next move against Captain Hook."

"Can we help?" Alix asked eagerly.

"Not this time. It's top secret." Marinette said. Nibs' face fell. "Don't worry, you can help us plan our next move." At this Nibs brightened.

"Coming, Peter?" Marinette called as she walked into the backroom.

"Huh? Yeah." Cat Noir followed her into the other room, and he closed the curtain behind them.

"So, what happens next?" He asked.

"Well, Tiger Lily gets captured, so Peter Pan goes and saves her."

"I wonder who Tiger Lily will be?" Cat Noir mulled over the possibilities.

"After Peter saves Tiger Lily he takes her back to the Indian Camp. They have a party to celebrate Peter saving Tiger Lily."

"Ahh! I'm finally gonna be appreciated for all my super deeds."

Marinette rolled her eyes. "Are you ready to go save her?"

"Are you?" Cat Noir asked her.

Marinette stood straight. "Of course. Try to keep up with me, Kitty. I bet I can save her first." With that Marinette left the room.

Man, she really is competitive. Cat Noir thought as he followed her out.

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