Jessy's POV
The moment Annabel pulled me back from Michael I gasp in a shakey breath, I can feel my chest tighten with streams of tears rushing down never ending. I didn't have enough time, I needed more time and it's selfish to wish for more when everyone that came back felt a sense of comfort but yet I felt more guilt.
"Jessy." Annabel spoke reaching out for me.
I stood up moving away my mind had trouble catching up to reality. Everyone look up towards me their eyes shinning with tears already shed.
"It's okay Jessy." Annabel spoke slowly standing up aswel worry cross her features as she stare at me.
Every little thing became too much to handle and I began to have trouble seeing things straight but I kept moving forward wanting to get away from me. I squeezed my eyes shut trying to get rid of the painful pounding with every step the beating in my head became louder. I felt a familiar pair of arms around me stopping me.
"Don't touch me!" I growled at Dominic pushing him aside.
"Jessy don't. Stop doing this to yourself, it's not your fault." He said in a soothing tone but all it did was push the pain right through the surface.
I took in a shakey breath trying to take a big breath but instead a small cry came. I look at him hurt and all I could see at this moment is the words he said to me back in the room creating a bigger ache in my chest. I push him off and in a flash I let my legs carry me as fast as it will take me.
I ran the fastest I have ever run, the speed of the wind dried against my skin. I ran away hoping to leave the pain back aswel. I've always been running, always thinking that if I ran fast enough from my problems it will go away somehow. The colors around me turn into a blur running and just keep on going. The burning in my lungs from the mixture of crying too much and the lack of oxygen. Until I can't take it anymore I collapse on my knees losing all the ability to hold on to anything. I kneeled on the forrest floor sobing in the shadow of the trees.
The pain inside still burns and all I had was that to feel. I curl myself on the dirt of the forrest feeling tired from all of this. I let my eyes close and for a moment not feeling anything while I drift of to sleep was the best feeling.
I woke up with a heavey set of eyelids, my limbs felt numb and I couldn't even get up anymore. I lay my head on the damp dead leaves staring up at the dark sky. I should get up but I don't know if I can go back home and face the house without Michael walking around or facing Dominic. As I count the hours that pass by laying still watching the sky darken I finally got up looking around the unknown parts of the woods in my area.
I walk around my feet dragging on the floor, I came onto a stop finding a little wodden house with nobody home and from what it looks like no one has used it in awhile. A perfect place to hide out. I open the wooden door finding dusty old furnitures. One small table to eat on, one chair, one couch, one single bed, one shower but no toilet and one stove. A simple place and I wonder who these all belongs to. I wonder why they would come here. I wonder if they are as sad as me.
There is no picture on the wall or on the tables. No clue, no identity of who this belongs to and I like to believe that this little home is for anyone who feels the need to get away from eveything. I sat down on the bed and lay myself down.
All these years of planning and craving for this revenge and I achived the ultimate revenge no vampire could ever do but yet I feel empty. Victory is something that is suppose to be celebrated but what's the point of it all when the one person who taught you everything. Who stood by your side without a question and hesitation died because of your own careless doing. What's the point of it all when he is not standing by my side seeing what we acomplished.

The Vampire
Roman d'amourJessy Volkov is the girl next door, the nice girl that everybody likes but one day everything changes. Everything became a nightmare for her when she met Dominic the most powerful and first vampire family, but there is a twist in this story that wil...