Jessy's POV
I see the sins of my father like a movie playing right infront of me and all I could do is watch. The bullets and fire is raining down on us as we descend forward. I aimed and fire, aimed and fire until we reach the building freeing the vampires. I opened the gates and what my eyes is seeing had my heart dropping to my stomach creating a painful twist.
Behind me chaos and thunder of the explosions erupt, infront of me all their eyes held mine and the gasp filled my mouth is out of horror and shock. They are covered in their own filth, dry blood and torn up clothes. They have wounds on them that couldn't properly heal and some dead laying on the ground with no space for all of them to fit by only crouching down and stepping on each other.
No sense of humanity has been done here and all I could do is hold up my hand for them to take. It's us against them, I will save every vampire on sight. Slowly a small girl with short blonde hair reached for my hand in a shakey hand gripping onto me. I saw tears in her eyes that held mine like I've waited too long to save them but yet they still held that hope in their eyes.
"Are you here to save us?" One said.
"I'm here to fight for all of us."I nodded.
I watch as they leave the small room one by one ducking their heads for explosions in the air. The daylight fading but the screams and gun shots never stopped.
"There is too many of them." Niki yelled over the noises shoving one guy that was about to shoot her grabbing his gun and tossing it to the side shooting her own on his knees.
I shoot as many as I can but we are surrounded and there is no where to exit, we are also running out of our tranquilizer when I said I want no one killed anymore I mean it. We are trying to make less damage, less deaths. Chester raised his hand and let his ability control their movements causing all humans to drop their weapons swaying side to side out of their control. Two big black trucks pulled in and I knew Chad and Niki is in there, they are our get away car.
"See that truck? Go to it got it, keep each other safe." I told them handing one of the girls my gun.
She is bone thin and the way she stands tells me how weak and tired she is, red dark circles deeply ran beneath her eyes.
"Thank you." She whispered thankfully.
I nodded at her smiling softly, making sure Chester have them still under his control. I can see the humans sturggling to get free from his power yelling and shouting in panic unsure of what is holding them still.
"Let's go," Niki yelled inside the truck.
In the distance a sound of a helicopter up above us erupt the other noises, I raise my gaze to only widen my eyes in shock seeing the big machine gun pointed right at me.
"Crap." I curse under my breath.
Then he fired, bullets came flying before I could even take a breath, before I could blink, before my heart would beat. I waited for the impact of the pain to pierce right through my flesh but it never came but instead a loud crackling sound like a breaking of a glass and there stood a tall boy. He had his hand raise infront of me and a light blue electricity current, like a sheet of glass spread around both of us protecting us from every hit of bullets.
"Who are you?" My eyes widen at the stranger that saved my life.
"I heard you Jessy Volkov." He looked over his shoulder and to my amazement his eye sight completely blind, the color is nothing but pale grey but he stared at me like he sees me.
"You heard me?"
"We all did." He gesture for me to look to the far right.
I snap my eyes to his direction seeing vampires crowding in a group as if ready for battle with them but they stood still almost in a peaceful way. The word amazement and tiny touch of pride swell in me seeing my people stand still while humans around fought us with weapons to kill. If someone in the future writes about us and they look back to our history. The questions teachers should ask students who is the true villian here?

The Vampire
RomanceJessy Volkov is the girl next door, the nice girl that everybody likes but one day everything changes. Everything became a nightmare for her when she met Dominic the most powerful and first vampire family, but there is a twist in this story that wil...