Hello Friends and Stuff

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So~... since I'm just terrible at finishing long stories, I thought "why not make a oneshot book"? Also, I ship France with literally everyone, so here we are!

I know for sure that I'm including:
France x England
France x Russia
France x Canada
France x America
France x Prussia
France x Spain
But I will write for other ships if I think of them or if they are requested! Because yeah, I'll take requests!

So, for requests, if you just want to request a new ship or more of a certain ship comment it here please~! Also, if you have a basic idea for what you want to be in the chapter with the ship, feel free to share! It helps quite a bit! I will (at least try to) write anything, so feel free to request anything~! ;)

France x World OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now